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  1. hogbud

    First Timer

    Leaving water set out no longer removes chlorine and reduces the amount of O2 available, They used to use a chlorine gas which was why leaving it out worked, now they use chloromine which DOES NOT evaporate only way to remove it is charcoal filtering or ascorbic acid if you use RO water you...
  2. hogbud

    LST question

    look for a guide on mainlining, best one I have seen is at growweedeasy
  3. hogbud

    7 weeks flush started do you think they will fatten up more ... ?

    really should read this,,,
  4. hogbud

    Cloning under MH or...

    agreed !!!
  5. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    If you followed the link and read the RIU thread about the High Times article you will see they never posted the actual research study, I found it and you can read it here Note that his intent was breeding Hemp with no THC and that he flowered...
  6. hogbud

    Starving Plants VS "Other"?

    once you do it you'll never look back
  7. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    I do a lot of research, this last round got me 63 links to things of interest
  8. hogbud

    Starving Plants VS "Other"?

    I feed till the end and when ready I give boiling water, this does 3 things, cleans my medium (peat) which I reuse, puts the plant in ferment to stay alive mode and closes the stomatas which makes it dry slower. Once boiled I leave it under the lights for 3 days to insure it has the energy to do...
  9. hogbud

    Cloning under MH or...

    Rooted clones would be fine under the MH as long as it is over 3 feet away to start (I would start at 4 feet and then adjust to the plants response) The MH would be a problem with unrooted clones as it would make them try to grow and they would eat themselves to do that, you want just enough...
  10. hogbud

    just a little insight.?

    Happy Frog is a good soil, I use it for clones, I have seen others grow trees in it member LilRoach is one
  11. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    Some good news when it comes to understanding how THC degrades, Some researchers set a standard for forensic scientists to determine how to determine the age of an MJ sample by the CBN's They also determined that THC degrades into 3 different things with CBN being one, they saw that the...
  12. hogbud

    simple ph question. would really like a reply.

    I have been using apple cider vinegar for years, google it, it's great for plants and humans
  13. hogbud

    First ever grow plz reply

    He is in Washington, it's legal there
  14. hogbud

    Full spectrum cfl's

    won't hurt, but won't do anything special, plants don't use most of the spectrum
  15. hogbud

    Full spectrum cfl's

    2700, leans red 6500 leans blue most in between have both I use 4100K T5's
  16. hogbud


    In a recent study done by GW Pharma it was determined that Clones are more potent than seeds Clone was 14% THC seed was 11% (same strain) same grow room & conditions
  17. hogbud

    simple ph question. would really like a reply.

    Testing the PH of runoff water does not test the PH of your soil, true, but does give an indication of whether or not there are salt build ups and is a valid test for such. If you pour in 6.5 and get 6.4 out it indicates there are residual salts in the soil but not a lot, if you pour in 6.5 and...
  18. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    awhile back I started a thread that got locked, though it was not my intention their were folks that said I came off as a dick and for that I apologize. Perhaps I tried to hard to prove my point? I would like to ask that you go there and read the whole thread, yeah it's rough but there are...
  19. hogbud

    plant problems.

    doesn't look bad, I would feed a lite dose of veg nutes