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  1. hogbud

    Cloning question

    am aware of that, yeppers, but not really the same as cloning
  2. hogbud

    Cloning question

    I take all my clones from lower branches, I never top my plants
  3. hogbud


    The reason we get high off of MJ is because we have a built in endocannabinoid system and our brains produce cannabinoids for natural functions such as sleep
  4. hogbud

    Cloning question

    No, leaves will not clone
  5. hogbud

    simple ph question. would really like a reply.

    I PH my water/feed to 5.8 as there is no "perfect" spot, it is more of a range thing because if your medium is working properly it will raise the PH back up to neutral as it dries making each water/feed cycle offer a PH range for the most possible nute uptake
  6. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    Well I tried, but it seems no one wants to discuss this?
  7. hogbud

    HELP!!! Whats wrong with my plant!?!?!?!?

    went to the bio bizz web site, hell they don't even tell you the NPK let alone what else is in it, I can tell you it is not a Cal/Mag def and it's not a PH problem If it were mine, I'd flush and feed it a dose of veg nutes, then watch to see if it stops
  8. hogbud

    Another clone question

    not if you put em under the clones, too much light and they try to grow, without roots, they suck on the leaves to do that, you want just enough light for them to live without growing
  9. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    minor at best
  10. hogbud

    Another clone question

    23 watt (6500K) right above the dome at least 18 hours a day I use a 15 watt, 18 inch T8
  11. hogbud

    HELP!!! Whats wrong with my plant!?!?!?!?

    Would help if we knew more? medium, nutes etc and it always helps if one of the pics is a whole plant shot, that being said,,,, it looks like a micro nute burn caused by a lock out, most likely sulfur, iron or zinc. I'm sayin that is what it looks like, not what it is cause I don't know enough...
  12. hogbud

    how much longer?

    Don't forget to add the strobe light 15 on 15 off to increase the trix
  13. hogbud

    Alternate nodes, then back to symmetrical

    Have you considered that it might be the alternating node that is/was the fluke?
  14. hogbud

    how much longer?

    nah, that's catapillar shit, I hear it's the best high ever
  15. hogbud

    how much longer?

    They told me yesterday, they saw you dancin with the knats
  16. hogbud

    how much longer?

    No that's an A Major comin off the bulb, perhaps your ballast is a bit sharp
  17. hogbud

    how much longer?

    It will be 2 years and 3 months and you should remove all the leaves, everything but the pistils
  18. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    Yet another good read on the subject,,,,, This one makes good sense to me for 2 reasons, one I have seen a lot of cut early buds comin out of the dispensaries and 2 we have had one guy kill his wife and himself and another guy jump...
  19. hogbud

    First Timer

    I run tap water thru a charcoal filter