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  1. sqydro

    OK ILL BE THE ONE TO SAY IT....FLOOMING! The latest craze in aerating your water

    ive seen a 86 site rdwc run off of 1 4000lph pump ive done 4 6 and 8 site with 1 pump, its all about how fast u recirculate ur nutes, instead fo the airstones, havyour pump in the res fluming or a tube coimg a few inches out the water surface splashing back in like a guyser / waterfall easy job!!
  2. sqydro

    OK ILL BE THE ONE TO SAY IT....FLOOMING! The latest craze in aerating your water

    yeah its wierd eh. thanks for the info. i much prefer airstoneless il maybe do a side by side next with 2 clones from the same mother see if theres a diff in veg/yield etc.
  3. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    hey SS hows things going mate id love to see some pics of sytem in full bloom if u want u can pm me them mate so as not to give that complete and utter dickhead the satisfaction of seeing them lol. just to give me a idea of the size u grow them and if im going ahead with this for winter or...
  4. sqydro

    OK ILL BE THE ONE TO SAY IT....FLOOMING! The latest craze in aerating your water

    grow done with flooming waterfall by my self the diy for its in my sig mike91, if u place a vent on your res then or pc fan then this would create better DO exchange and be better than stones, which dont ad DO by the...
  5. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    current culture is good if ur a millionaire this system total cost was £200 if that. so easy to build and maintain. one pump is all u need. to answer what size pump i like to go for 10-15 recirculations per hour a rule of thumb, depends how much water ur system will be running mate
  6. sqydro

    TGA By Others

    sonics cut of agent orange week 6. has any of you guys grew this out before? what week did u chop? she looks nowere near ready chop. the smell is so fresh and zesty bravo TGA subcool
  7. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    thanks for the humbling words mate i mearly replicate all the guys ive seen like heath robinson, and all the other pioneers mate, and yes those totes are superb i can say enough about them, i went uniseals last time and tank fitings this time, tank fittings are easier to get and cheaper but id...
  8. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    hey man im sure u can sub just by commenting on a thread a green arrow comes up next to it and the writing will be bold if theres a new comment or if u wanna actualy sub and get a e mail when theres new posts then go to top of page>thread tool>3rd option is sub to thread. all the best mate. yeah...
  9. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    he refers to a water/aqua farm in the drawings in any dwc there is a inner bucket or net pot or container full of medium (clay balls usualy) and ur res (outer bucket) were the roots grow in and feed your plant, hope that helps!!
  10. sqydro

    TGA By Others

    thats beautifull mate stunning cola!!
  11. sqydro

    TGA By Others

    heres my agent orange day 24 sorry for the bad pics new cam on its way .....
  12. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    this is the 2 ways i do it......courtesy of heath robinson im using the second one for this new system and there working well to produce these.........
  13. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    what do u mean by scheme? like a auto cad? te dos and donts are in the grow threads my friend study them well keep ur res temps at 19deg or as close to and make sure there is plenty DO in there u can get oxygen in the water woth no air pumps by using flume or waterfall mate air pumps n...
  14. sqydro

    DWC with no Air Stones! you Heard me!!!!

    ty very much sir/madam lol cup size is irreleveant mate ul not get big useless cord roots as long as you keep the water level above or touching the net cup bottom they big dreadlock roots are called air roots there pretty useless apart from support and there is a full million page thread on the...
  15. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    true that my friend temp control in res and DO is the most important thing in DWC i cant stress that enough its the golden rules people say it can kill a crop in days etc etc yes but not if u keep temps at 19deg ish in res and have plenty of DO in there theyl thrive no matter what u throw at...
  16. sqydro

    RDWC/NFT Question

    do you run misters in the 5 gal pots mate or is it actual DWC??
  17. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    i cant find 3/4" end caps any were im uk that are pvc ima still use the pvc pipes but summit else goin down pics in a few days!! :)
  18. sqydro

    RDWC/NFT Question

    pics would help friend then like this comment il come back try and help
  19. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    yeah the RUB's are cheaper and better imo and more versatile for sure, the only diff is ul have air stones and a stronger current more equiptment etc the to methods are near identitacal with the only diff being RDWC pushes nutes about and UC pulls the nutes. yeah it certainly would but thats...
  20. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    yup they way i have shown is but if u read the first page ul see how to set up for the undercurrent way with the 19mm outlet clamp. then u can appologise ;) and google 30L autopot res u should find the buckets but tbh mate i use really usefull boxes now come in all shapes and sizes and have snap...