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  1. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    the reason for the waterfall in the main res is that so when it recirculates its carrying the fresh DO round the system, heres myine u can see a simple T off the pump lins and a elbow on that pointing into the res has sufficed.... and heres heaths auto cads theyl help alot.... and the way...
  2. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    im was the same mate il do a drawing and post it tomorow all will become clear ok buddy
  3. sqydro

    Re-examining an age old DWC question: "Can you have too much air in DWC?"

    i dont use any airstones in DWC the airstones do not give the roots air its the bubbles bursting and the aggitation of the surface area that allows the DO (dissolved oxygen) to saturate the water the more is not the merrier i think 16%+ can become toxic to plants, i use the method of...
  4. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    im one of those people check put my threads in my sig LOL also SS i got me some blue mango x jazzleberry jam some ak47 and some purpleberr bx cuts from a friend :) lovely lovely
  5. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    with regards to your DWC question it alread has teh bennifits of DWC as its suspended in air, in fact it has more bennifit as there is no air in DWC only DO (dissolved oxygen, this comes from the air bubbles popping on the surface and aggitating the solution not the air in the bubbles them...
  6. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    yeah no probs VO im honoured. my first sticky :) to answer ur question easiest way to drain is to fit a tap some sort of valve at the bottom of the res or one of yor plant sites. i only change my solution if theres a problem or every 3 weeks or so. with this sytem i hooked my 19mm tubing onto a...
  7. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    i use really usefull boxes now google them. 3000lph pump was used i have the ph adjusting to a fine art, a couple of drops then come back in ten mins and re ajust if need be the ph buffers in the nutes should do the work for u though at the ec i run thinngs at 1.0 in veg n 1.2-1.4 in flower
  8. sqydro

    DWC with no Air Stones! you Heard me!!!!

    roots never clogged and it flooded because i knocked the auto top up float valve off. dont go in your groom drunk is the way to fix it lol yield was just shy of 40 crisp dry, one plant yielded 15oz on yielded 4 lol pretty unstable genetics tbh but i have a reg female of her so wel give it...
  9. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    its killing me i cant get it at all anywere in the uk and im having trouble getting the range u have, i can get a package of liquid karma pbp grow bloom and aqua shield, would the 4 of them suffice?? and my GW powder
  10. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    just enviromental control mate, always have great air exchange, 2 x per min if pos this eliminates the need for CO2 ime, as ur bringing in new air constantly co2 is only worth it if u have ur room absolutely dialled to perfection otherwise it will prob go to waste, always have ur res temps at...
  11. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    yeah well im keepin my cards close to my chest and i wont be running perpetual il be doin 5 rails in one room external res, it will be beautifull, ul see soon lol
  12. sqydro

    TGA By Others

    this is easily my fav thread on RIU heres my agent o (sonics cut) been vegged and caged in prep for flowering with vert bulbs in the next 3-4 days once i dial my new groom in more stunning plant/tree shes 42" by 47" lol before i caged her
  13. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    im only gonna run 600s but im going to show u what heath taught me about enviromental control and dialling your room. you goin down OG lol just wanna say thanks again for all the help u guys have gave me if this is what i can do in dwc think of my aero beasts lol this was vegged under 400w MH...
  14. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    got my ez clone nozzles today and im sorry to say that im going to be whoopoin ur asses in the growing department. also i have popped the following to find a few keepers blue dream haze, pineapple express, querkle, white widow, critical kush, pre 76 bubba kush, kandy kush, black rose x lemon...
  15. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    i have 12 clones in root riot cubes, could i put them in my 2" net pots and use in the aero system? i now have my 2"net pots and neopreme collars just waitin on stuff from the USA
  16. sqydro

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    what kind of problems? the only reason was i cant get end caps for my 6" pipe
  17. sqydro

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    clear ur inbox OG
  18. sqydro

    TGA By Others

    the little seedling in 4" cube at the side is heaths nl x g13/w reg, she showed me her lady bits today but shel be bannished from the next photo as its subs patch here lol il throw weekly pics in incase anyone wants to see a giant AO tree eating a grow room, its sonics cut im led to beleive and...
  19. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    thanks for ur pearls of wisdom mate! great post(s) do u add the GW powder straight in? i make bennifiac compost tea with GW is it advisable to run that or straight powder better becuase of the organics?
  20. sqydro

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    im thinking of running my manifolds up the outside of the tube with 19mm tubes with nipples and 6mm spaghetti tubing with the spray nozzle on the end. so the 6" tube will only have net pots in it n thats it