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  1. sqydro

    TGA By Others

    heres my agent O in RDWC at 5 weeks from clone pulling the trigger in the next few days
  2. sqydro

    Picking My Agent Orange Pheno

    lookin great mate subbed up i have a agent o tree in veg ready to get flowered very soon
  3. sqydro

    ChemDawg 91 Recirculating DWC + Advanced Nutrients

    check out hiesenbergs thread here in the bubbleponics section on teas for DWC i live by them for my dwc grows for plant and more importantly root health mate keeps nasty pathogens at bay, best of luck with the grow mate
  4. sqydro

    Super Lemon Haze Week 6 of 10!

    there lookin lovey mate and ur vert set up will work wonders im running one similar right now
  5. sqydro

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    does nay1 get issues with the organic nutes clogging the ez clone misters??
  6. sqydro

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    been nowt but nice to me mate, whoever calls u an ass hole is clearly a bigger ass hole them selfs
  7. sqydro

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    yeah getting the tubing is no problem u missunderstood the question i ment if i run the spray manifold along the bottom of the rail or up the side of it?
  8. sqydro

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    yes for this style with the veg and dwc the collars keep the level touching the net pot bottom with out them its just nft basicly
  9. sqydro

    DWC with no Air Stones! you Heard me!!!!

    what a tool big bhudda cheese i have seen 2 posts on this and both have been idiotic and demeaning! thanks boxu OG i vegged 3 weeks from seed fimmed left a week fimmed again and left a week then flipped just over 5 weeks if i remember correct
  10. sqydro

    How To: RDWC/UCDWC diy (advanced)

    sorry i never seen this sooner yeah u dont need a control bucket as well as a res, the level is the same theough out. as the 19mm black tubin feeds the tops of my buckets creating waterfall and DO the level pulls water back through the 1 1/2'' returns so its recirculating easy as pie :)
  11. sqydro

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    air stones do not add DO the best micropore air stones will create the same as a waterfall in ur res, its the aggitation of the water that gets the DO in there, ga exchange takes place at the surface as its broken, fluming and waterfall better ways of running DWC ive done both and stonless wins...
  12. sqydro

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    the waterfall in the res creates the DO about 8 -10% anything over 15% is toxic then it is pumped round the sytem at high speed, roots thrive in it, and as for yield its because he has crammed a zillion plants round the bulb no light wasted at all, very efficiant way of growing, and obv diallage...
  13. sqydro

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    hey SS do u run your spray manifolds along the bottom of the posts. i can only source 6" round pvs pipe and was thinking il need to fix somethin inside so the spray bar is half way up the side of the 6" rail so the roots dont overtake the misters
  14. sqydro

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    nice one mate not been in here for a while looking like ur gettin it dialed in now! well done
  15. sqydro

    organuc nutes for aero suggestions?? uk grower

    botanicare range was my first choice but these are hard to get in the uk infact impossible. i have to import them from the US does any1 have any experience with organic nutes in aero of another nature?? il be running a hash up of stinkbuds system. ive never dabbled in organics be4 so have no...
  16. sqydro

    Post a photo of your biggest bud on a scale

    this weighed 105 grams or so when dry
  17. sqydro

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    hey folks been trawling this thread and i see people saying they run 6 sites instead of 14 now can any1 throw some pics up? ive tried looking through this but gave up at page 45 odds lol and do you veg longer if theres less plants?
  18. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    are you running perp like stinbud method? im building one of these this week i have to get ez clone sprayers from the US this will take a while :-/ so be prowling all these threads meanwhile how long do you veg for in your system? i usualy grow bigger plants is that possible in these systems?
  19. sqydro

    my 3 stages of flower

    hey SS nice thread and pics. how mays sites per flowering system are you running there? it looks like 2 rails then a single rail or am i wrong. thanks for the info i will be setting one of these up in the next few weeks