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  1. keico

    it won't grow, and it won't die

    Not for nothing but if after all that time they won't grow, I would rip them up and start over. Also give them more than 1 lights
  2. keico

    24 hrs of light ??

    Yes you can, but I firmly believe that plants need a dark cycle I would start with 18hours light 6 hours dark Just my thoughts
  3. keico

    not showing sex

    how long did you veg before you did 12/12
  4. keico

    question about wiring fans with variable speed

    If you are good with a soldeing iron I can show you a tutorial on how to turn a pc power supply into a variable 12vokt dc source
  5. keico

    noob leave ? with pics

    sorry I misread
  6. keico

    My Stealth Cabinet (Pics)

    Listen I am gonna be very honest with you I tried the exact same setup, Well not exactly but the dimensions were the same. I had problems with heat. Was using the same cfls you were. Also the plants grew but quickly I ran out of space. To make a long story short, you need a larger cabinet...
  7. keico

    question about wiring fans with variable speed

    You can find many of them on ebay
  8. keico


    Here ya go. You do not need to really give them much 1 tablespoon per gallon
  9. keico

    noob leave ? with pics

    Being that you are using MG soil do not give them any nutes for at least a month Also you are gonna need to transplant them soon. Make sure you mix the soil with perlite, and please only give them a very little nutes
  10. keico

    Making pots for the first time

    In case anyone is wondering here is the answer 1 tablespoon blood meal per gallon 2 tablespoons bone meal per gallon
  11. keico

    Please help, first time grow!!

    It does look like a serious nitrogen deficiency
  12. keico

    Please help, first time grow!!

    Ok what i meant was is this straight soil, if so then what type or Is this soil mixed with something and if so at what percentages
  13. keico

    please help, plant looks sad :( leaves yellowing and dying +REP for help *pics*

    Listen all is not lost. These plants are stronger than you think. Just give plain water and wait. Giver her some time and when she tells you she needs nutes then give it to her start her off slow 1/4 1/2 3/4 full just take it slow she will be ok
  14. keico

    Ventilation Questions

    Look before you spend the money to buy, a carbon filter just DIY your own. I always here people talk about these carbon filters they buy and then need a strong fan to either push or pull through them I built my own and it does not require a strong fan at all...
  15. keico

    Please help, first time grow!!

    what is your soil setup percentages of your mix
  16. keico

    please help, plant looks sad :( leaves yellowing and dying +REP for help *pics*

    if you flush miracle gro soil you will be releasing more nutes into soil
  17. keico

    Mites, pH, or something else?

    What type of soil are you using Is it mixed with anything Specifically what type of nutes are you using
  18. keico

    Please help, first time grow!!

    What type of system are you growing with, I am not sure if you are soil or hydro setup Anyway it looks like a combination of problems you have.
  19. keico

    Ventilation Questions

    As long as the room that the cool air is coming from through your passive intake is very cool, then you should be ok I have an ac in my room and make sure my temps never get over 80 degree Fahrenheit
  20. keico

    please help, plant looks sad :( leaves yellowing and dying +REP for help *pics*

    Ok stop giving her nutes, Miracle Gro has enough nutes already to last at least a month. Do not give her nutes for at least a month then only use 1/4 strength. Chemical nutes can be a bit much Also next time add some perlite to the soil