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  1. keico

    6wk flowering problems Purple wreck

    Ok I had to look at your signature to see how you were growing. I notice that you are using an ebb and flow system Now I am not no hydro expert, but I can tell your plants are suffering from to many nutes You said in your journal that this is your first grow. In my opinion as a first time...
  2. keico

    Leaf tips curling/twisting & discolouring - First Grow

    Concentrated lemon juice acts as a PH down, and is safe for plants Add the juice to the water and check the ph, you only need a little per gallon of water to lower ph in the water. Once the water is ph around 6.5 then flush flush flush
  3. keico

    Leaf tips curling/twisting & discolouring - First Grow

    Ok you can not use organic and non organic (Chemical in your grows) Various compost and bone meal equal an organic soil, by adding the Miracle Gro all purpose fertilizer the chemicals kill the beneficial microbes in the organic soil. Also Miracle gro fertilizers tend to be to strong. It is...
  4. keico

    Diy cool tube

    That is possibly the best DIY cooltube I have ever seen You have to tell me how did you cut the base of the vase Please let me know
  5. keico

    1st Grow, Single Plant, Apartment Closet

    Because he is using foxfarm soil which is organic If you use chemical fertilizers in organic soil you will kill the microbes that feed the plant
  6. keico

    Wilting over-water,under-water ? pics

    You need to flush them, look like nute lockout is starting to manifest itself.
  7. keico

    house set up

    Lets see Is this your first grow or do you have experience also where is this house located in a neighborhood or all by itself I can't tell you how many times you see in the news of grows being busted because of large scale growing. Man I wish you the best
  8. keico

    Yu are not going to beleive this, FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ITEMS ALL THE TIME!!!

    Well it says Free Shipping on most products within the 48 contiguous United States Key word being most. I checked the grow mediums and they do charge shipping On the items that have free shipping, believe me it is added in the price from the get go I always believe if it is too good...
  9. keico

    will this charger be good for running fans?

    exactly what type of power supply is this I could probably find a schematic and tell you whats what
  10. keico

    will this charger be good for running fans?

    I have never seen a pc computer supply with a circle plug normally they are rectangle either with 20pins or 24 pins You have to join the green wire and the black wire right next to it so that it will be always on Also you must have the fans already plugged in before you plug it in There you...
  11. keico

    The Current Financial Crisis, What Caused it?

    Ok here is my opinion on why we are in the finacial crisis we are in I blame the super rich. Now the super Rich is the 6% population that has most of this money in the country. It does not leave much for the rest of the population Super Rich - invest in business Business has to show a...
  12. keico

    Legit Soil Questions, please help asap

    Here you go this recipe will do good for you. It is for a 3 gallon pot and should carry you from start to finish. You may have to add some organic bloom fertilizer depending on how long they take to flower Also no worries with PH with this mix. I am using the same mix and my plants love it...
  13. keico

    Newbie with a newbie fertilizer question

    You will be using more Peat Moss than soil, and it is cheap anyway. So you won't really be spending much extra I don't know how much your compost mix cost either But the blood and Bone meal not are needed. You will just have to watch the plants and fertilize as needed. Stick with the Bloom...
  14. keico

    will this charger be good for running fans?

    Why don't you just use a computer power suppl and call it a day All the 12volt dc you need right there
  15. keico

    help making cheap soil

    There is no need for the sand 60% peat moss 40%soil, and some perlite there ya go. Just take it easy with the ferts
  16. keico

    Newbie with a newbie fertilizer question

    K stands for Potassium It helps the plant to take up the nutrient Simplest answer I can give You don't need much One tablespoon of organic unsulphured molasses can be purchased at a grocery store This will give it the potassium
  17. keico

    Newbie with a newbie fertilizer question

    2-4-1 is enough Personally I recommend Neptune's harvest
  18. keico

    Newbie with a newbie fertilizer question

    Ok give me a moment I am looking at EKO website for info on the compost mix you have. Ok i also had to refresh my mind on the alaska fish fertilizer, This is what I would do Do not mix chemical soil with any type of organic soil fertilizer, The chemical ferts will kill the beneficial...
  19. keico

    help making cheap soil

    Well you know what I am not 100% sure about that. I guess if someone can grow a plant in 100% perlite you could use 100% peat moss. But dirt at home depot and lowes is not expensive I would definitely suggest Miracle Gro organic soil. (I only say that because you said cheep) It definitely...
  20. keico

    need opinions , are my plants screwed?

    Don't see any pics