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  1. Pazzo

    HPS vs MH

    I prefer HPS because it's better in flower and that's where it really counts. Plus MH bulbs get much hotter then HPS bulbs.
  2. Pazzo

    Who's got thier own strain??

    Yeah dude that plant looks sweet. A few years ago someone on overgrow was giving out some seeds he made and the way he did it was he bought a pack of pens that you could twist off the cap and take out the ink and then he just put some seeds in there and shipped them like that. Worked great, I...
  3. Pazzo

    premade cab

    What I think is you could build that for half the price. :)
  4. Pazzo

    Sog vs Full size

    Outdoor plants maybe but indoors you would have to do a lot of training to get that much. You could do hydro and get larger plants as well with a shorter veg. time but I just like soil personally. My friend grows with hydro and I just think my weed tastes better.
  5. Pazzo

    12/12 right away?

    Yeah i've done it before several times with good results. I've vegged for as little as 1.5 weeks and flowered them in 16oz cups. But even if you do switch to flower that young you have to add about a week or so to the flowering schedule because it's not fully matured (bout 4 weeks old). This...
  6. Pazzo

    Who's got thier own strain??

    Yeah, or Northern Widow lol. I think i'm gonna wait till I smoke it to give it a definate name. I was thinkin about it and that's the only way. bongsmilie
  7. Pazzo

    Sog vs Full size

    Well lets just say you used half that room 4'x4' for flowering. If you had 1 plant per square foot you would have 16 fairly large plants vegged for at least a month. If you averaged at least 1 ounce per plant you would get at least a pound every 3 months or so. And since that's only half your...
  8. Pazzo

    leaves curling and roots going nuts

    Well an easy way to tell is if you fill up one of the pots with dry soil and see how heavy it is and then compare it to the potted plant.
  9. Pazzo

    leaves curling and roots going nuts

    Roots exposed to the light will die, but one root strand coming out the bottom isn't going to kill your plant. Now that you say there 4 weeks old maybe they need a feeding if you say the bottom leaves are yellowing and dying? If you picked up your plant is it extremely light or is it heavy?
  10. Pazzo

    Sog vs Full size

    Depending on if you had some kind of automated watering system I would grow out full size plants instead of doing SOG for that large of a space. I love doing SOG grows but I only do them cause i'm limited on space. Now that I have a larger grow tent i'm going to just do SCROG now. It takes...
  11. Pazzo

    Who's got thier own strain??

    I was pollinating my Northern Lights girls with a very good NL male and one of my White Widow females got a tad seeded as well so I made my first F1 cross on accident lol. Can't wait to grow it out though.. i'll have to think of some kind of name for it too.. I would have to assume there's a...
  12. Pazzo

    leaves curling and roots going nuts

    It sounds like you could be overwatering them, do they actually need to be watered or do you just water every 2 days no matter what? How old are they anyways?
  13. Pazzo

    1st time growing!!! 250 watt MH. Help much appreciated!

    There's nothing wrong with growing with an MH bulb during flower. I just suggest an HPS bulb because you'll get more lumens and it's gives the plant a better spectrum for flowering.. plus it's not as hot as an MH bulb, but that doesn't seem to be an issue. Plants do seem to stretch less with...
  14. Pazzo

    1st time growing!!! 250 watt MH. Help much appreciated!

    Ah yea true. The only bagseed I ever grew was probably the worst plant I ever grew (not like the weed it came from at all) so I've just never grown any again. But now that I think about it that was back when I lived in north carolina, since i've lived in Alaska I don't even get bags with seeds...
  15. Pazzo

    1st time growing!!! 250 watt MH. Help much appreciated!

    Hey dude, how's it goin? I don't come on here too often anymore but saw you posted in my old grow thread. It sounds like everything is just fine. The slow growth cause the transplant makes sense, I don't use DWC.. only soil but for me it still takes a couple days for there to be new growth...
  16. Pazzo

    Black Gold Soil Mix, what to add?

    My local grow shop only carries Black Gold soil now and was wondering if anyone has a good soil mix for this particular brand? I have some bone and blood meal, earthwoom castings, and of course perlite on hand. I would like to rely on the dirt to feed my plants rather then me feeding them with...
  17. Pazzo

    Single cola

    Ugh, the pics didn't load, here they are.
  18. Pazzo

    OPINIONS WANTED - Best medium to start seedlings in?

    I don't see it, but you should call and ask. My local lowes has it on the shelf, but it's just a blank space. It seems like it's a 50/50 chance they'll have it in stock. I like the one at Home Depot more, they have the Scotts brand instead of MG.. which is fine btw.
  19. Pazzo

    OPINIONS WANTED - Best medium to start seedlings in?

    You have no lowes or home depot? They have a seed starting soil which is perfect.. I suggest calling ahead of time to make sure it's in stock tho, unless it's close. lol
  20. Pazzo

    OPINIONS WANTED - Best medium to start seedlings in?

    Theres a good "seed starting soil" at both lowes or home depot.. although they always seem out. I mix it with 1/3 perlite as well.