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  1. Pazzo

    Single cola

    Yea you can flower just from seed and get single cola plants but if you want more uniformity you should clone and then induce flowering after they rooted.. I just haven't got a place to keep a mom yet. I can fit 8 of those 5" pots in my cabinet and average a half ounce off each one. I'm now...
  2. Pazzo

    White Widow Grow Log - SOG

    You can only load 2 photos at a time. If you try more I think it just gives you an error message.
  3. Pazzo

    Shipping Weed, what's the best way?

    I think my best bet is going to be to just ship down some joints instead of bud itself. I could package it in a cigg. box or something and just mix it with a few other things I can ship down instead of carrying on the plane. My buddy has a cigg roller I can use that will make them look more...
  4. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Alright, i just cut them all up and weighed them finally. I wanted 4 ounces total this run, half ounce per plant but I ended up a bit shy this time. But about 3 of them weren't nearly as good as the others so theres definatly room for improvement. I waited a day or so too long and they got...
  5. Pazzo

    Shipping Weed, what's the best way?

    lol I don't want to say where I work now. I'll pry just use UPS, I was really thinking the post office would be safer, whats the reason why its not as safe? Thanks for the replies guys.
  6. Pazzo

    Shipping Weed, what's the best way?

    I'll be visiting a friend soon and I just harvested my crop and was wondering what would be the best way to ship some bud down there. The stuff down there is pure crap and I dont want to waste my money. I wouldn't do a lot, maybe a quarter max. I was thinking of just somehow sealing it in a...
  7. Pazzo

    White Widow Grow Log - SOG

    Yea, I only like popcorn buds for when I wake up and go to work. bongsmilie
  8. Pazzo

    "Organic" MG help +rep4help

    I use MG soil as well with good results, I use 1/3 perlite mix to 2/3 soil and thats it, nothing else added here. I would suggest against using it as a seed starting soil though, it has a much higher chance killing your baby or at least burning it then a seed starting soil.. which I also mix...
  9. Pazzo

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Well by my math you would get 60w per square foot with the 400w and only about 37w per square foot with the 250 so the 400 watter would probably be better for that size box. If you flowered them at 1 foot tall they would end up growing into your reflector (including the pot you use). You might...
  10. Pazzo

    {DWC Journal}G13 Labs Northern Lights

    I would make sure to look at those trics, I think when I had soem NL I let 'em go 8 weeks. But either way, everything looks good.. keep it up. bongsmilie
  11. Pazzo

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    As long as you plan on using them in the next year or so just put them in a droor and leave em there. If you had some seeds you were gonna keep for years and years then putting them in the fridge should make them last longer.
  12. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    I dunno if I could this go round but maybe next time. All the weed i'm gonna sell has pretty much been promised to people already.. you got anything going yourself?
  13. Pazzo

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks a lot dude, I do what I can with what I got. :D
  14. Pazzo

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Yea i've grown the widow a few times and it's an awesome plant. I've grown a G13 cross that was great, extremely powerful smoke.. knocks you on ur ass. I got some Power Plant going right now and i'm germing some new ones for my next grow, was thinkin about doing my 5 free power skunk seeds too...
  15. Pazzo

    White Widow Grow Log - SOG

    Yeah, a few pics would help to see the progression so far. I made sure to take pics at least once a week to see growth spurts and stuff. I actually want to take a pic of a plant every day and then put it together, maybe my next grow.. bongsmilie
  16. Pazzo

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Here is my current cabinet, exactly half the size of my old cabinet at 24"x15", the only premade cabinet that I could find that works. Although now that i'm using the SOG technique and have gotten better over the years i'm pulling the same as I was when I first started with my old cabinet...
  17. Pazzo

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hey guys, just heard about this thread so I figured i'de post up a couple of my grows. I don't know if any of you were around for the old C13 cabinet thread on before it was shutdown but it definately opened my eyes to the 250w and cabinet growing. It really was the perfect size...
  18. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Here are the 2 topped ones I had as well. In case no one knows I kept these ones in cups too long and they got a bit stretched so I had to top them to keep 'em short. The plant in the first pics I would say is by far the most dense plant, I don't know what it is.. maybe seeds? lol The other...
  19. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Here is the runt I almost threw away. Man I am sure glad I kept this one, this one could possibly be the most crystally and gooey of them all. Probably the only one that is more dense then this plant too is the bigger topped one.. i'm really curious what this one will weigh in at. Oh yea, and...
  20. Pazzo

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    Here is Plant 4. She probably woulda been even bigger if she had sufficient nutes, plus I think this one coulda gone longer.