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  1. Pazzo

    Changing light cycle mid flower

    The best way to go about it imo is to do it gradually. Like change it 1 hour every day till you have it the way you like it. I've had to do the same thing before..
  2. Pazzo

    heat stress

    I've had some plants stall on me because of heat stress and it took about a week for them to start growing again. As long as the temps are fixed then you should be fine. Try not to let them get above 90 at the tops of the plants or it'll probably start to burn them as well. Just put your hand...
  3. Pazzo

    1st Time Medicinal Setup. Any tips , comments , or criticism welcome.

    Yeah, definately try to let them know it's a bad thing to mess with your tent. I have about a year old cat that was playing around on a couple bins I have next to my tent and the top bin slipped and she tried catching herself on my tent and I got a nice 3 inch scratch in it.. nothing tape can't...
  4. Pazzo

    One seed two sprouts

    Yeah I was thinkin that too, maybe wait till it gets bigger and then cut it off and try to clone it.
  5. Pazzo

    1st Time Medicinal Setup. Any tips , comments , or criticism welcome.

    Looks really good man, I like how you have it all set up. I just have a 6" fan clipped onto my hood blowing on the bulb but i've been wanting to get another fan cause my temps hover around 80-83. I wish I woulda went with an air cooled hood but oh well, I just didn't think I would have the...
  6. Pazzo

    One seed two sprouts

    Get one of those rectangle pots for it.. might help it with the root situation..
  7. Pazzo

    One seed two sprouts

    Looks like it's growing to me, but I dunno. I'm rootin for 'em!
  8. Pazzo

    adding soil??

    I guess, but the plant doesn't even use the top few inches of soil so all that would happen is the plant would just grow more roots which I can't see being a bad thing. Can't forget that it also gets air from the bottom of the pots as well. But if your really scared about suffocating them you...
  9. Pazzo

    Looking for a grow tent, what's good?

    Check out this link to compare all the tent specs, just click on the pic: I have the GL80 and it works great, I bought mine from them and i'm pretty satisfied. I have mixed feelings on if I like my tent or cabs more tho...
  10. Pazzo

    adding soil??

    Yeah of course it is and recommended imo. Just make sure the dirt doesn't cover up any plant matter and you should be good, wanna avoid any leaves touching the dirt.
  11. Pazzo

    Should I chop??? 8 weeks in

    Yeah I was gonna say the same thing. Seems like a lot of white pistols left, needs a good week more so flushing now would be a good idea.
  12. Pazzo

    Grow Light Sites? Needs Advice

    Yeah I like HTG Supply, i've bought a couple lights from them. There on ebay and that's where I first found them actually. It might be cheaper going through ebay too if you can find a good deal.
  13. Pazzo

    1 clone flowered at 12/12 with 600 watts?

    Yeah I pretty much agree. I can get a quarter in 16oz cups from seed and up to and sometimes over an ounce in 1.5 gallon pots.
  14. Pazzo

    how much light does a male need

    Go get a 42w CFL from walmart or something and put it a couple inches from the top makin sure not to burn it and ur good. Incandascent light won't work. Just flower it like you would a female, you'll have pollen in a couple weeks. EDIT: Yes, make sure you keep it on 12/12 or it won't flower.
  15. Pazzo

    1st Time Medicinal Setup. Any tips , comments , or criticism welcome.

    Welcome to RIU! The X's in the dimensions through me off but I looked up the tent you have and I understand it now lol. I just bought a growlab tent as well, the GL80, mine is just a 2'7" square tent but I still really like it. I've been growing in cabs since i've started and this thing is...
  16. Pazzo

    Damn Inline Fans

    I just use the filter. If you really wanted to you could go the extra mile and put some carbon in there i'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to modify it.
  17. Pazzo

    Damn Inline Fans

    No problem.. off the top of my head it's like 20" or something like that. It does work pretty well just make sure you replace the filter every few months or else it doesn't work as effectively. When you first turn it on you defintaly smell it a little bit but when flowering plants sit for 12...
  18. Pazzo

    Damn Inline Fans

    A homemade one. I made this one, with a couple little alterations but same thing:
  19. Pazzo

    Damn Inline Fans

    This thing helped me out: I have the same fan and I didn't need all that power for my cab so I bought that and have it set at exactly halfway. I've had people sitting in front of the cab and not even notice it while we're...
  20. Pazzo

    HPS vs MH

    I've used both a 250 MH bulb and 250w HPS bulb with my first grow cab and noticed with the MH bulb the temp. was a couple degrees hotter then the HPS bulb.. not much but enough to make a difference. I'm kind of confused about why you would say that an MH bulb is better in flower but to each his...