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  1. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Base of stem dies and breaks suddenly

    the black line is the algae and it destroyed the cambium layer, cover the pots and keep the light off the rocks
  2. LT1RX7 Drifter

    gig harbor man snitched off a 70 year old woman for helping patients with clones

    unles you were there and know everything for fact then its here-say
  3. LT1RX7 Drifter

    What Ferts Did You Use Before The Designer Liquid Ferts Came Out?

    dont matter i guess if i had a choice it would be red blooded american
  4. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Two fans off one speed controler?

    how bigs the room the tents in how many btu does the ac put out
  5. LT1RX7 Drifter

    30 Gallon Smart Pots, how big?

    big enough that you will need a laundry basket to harvest just keep it out of the public eye and you should be good
  6. LT1RX7 Drifter

    What Ferts Did You Use Before The Designer Liquid Ferts Came Out?

    your moms used tampons make for good nurtients
  7. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Two fans off one speed controler?

    do it right thats the best advice you will get, just use the ac to cool the room the tents in and seal the damn room, vent the hoods/lights seperate outside the room, if you wanted to you could add a scrubber filter to the light venting to prevent any possible smell, this is exactly how i vent...
  8. LT1RX7 Drifter

    *Day 37 Flower* Ogre Kush -- TGA Spacebomb -- 2k watts

    oh it's talked about, i hear it from more then just hear lol, search my who screen name as it's shown here you see alot more, its actually quite comical if you look at if from a open eye stand point, its actaully pretty lame that grown ass adults acted the way they did with out hard fact, your...
  9. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Pre-98 Bubba Kush

    fyi pre 98 bubba kush has no grape anything to anypart of it, i been growing it since 99 im pretty sure about that, its more of a chocolate coffee taste if i had to discribe it, glab you like what you got im glad it help with your pain, i know my bubba just puts me in the bed most of the time
  10. LT1RX7 Drifter

    *Day 37 Flower* Ogre Kush -- TGA Spacebomb -- 2k watts

    i did nothing of the sort it was here-say on there parts lol, but if you must know the info that was posted was info off of facebook to my knowledge, they rode my dick for months about it, jameson ran up my cell phone calling 50 times a day with dumbass questions, that i had to repeat time and...
  11. LT1RX7 Drifter

    what kind of deficiency is this???? please help!!!!

    i promise if the soil nutes are used up its root bound, got an ram horning or leaf curl of any kind, plant wide yellowing with little effect after feeding means is root bound and the soil cant hold any nutrients anymore due to root mass consuming 90% of the volume of the pots have you even...
  12. LT1RX7 Drifter

    supercropping stretched plants

    clearify your definiton of super crop, i just bend the shit sideways to deal with stretch if needed
  13. LT1RX7 Drifter

    *Day 37 Flower* Ogre Kush -- TGA Spacebomb -- 2k watts

    looks bomb bro tell the bastards at the forum sticker posted, "drifter" says you grow better pot then those weiners, i love the resin tacos/ resin rail action
  14. LT1RX7 Drifter

    how many btu for a mini split

    not enough and a slip system wont cut the mustard, although if you went the vented hood way it would work, room size, current temps and humidity helps with the number crunching, but by the btu output of the lights i would say no
  15. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Help with ph ,ec run off

    again those numbers mean jack each one means something entirely different, ppm, parts per million means the amount of nutrient content including the bad shit as the ec goes up usually that means the salts are building up or the nutrients are depleted, if you think about your post you might...
  16. LT1RX7 Drifter


    do nothing the manufacture says other then a starting point go by wat the plants tell you, iff they take 800-900 ppm with no ill effects you can increase the ppm a few hundred more every week based on the plants response up untill the wk 6 then you wanna drop the ppm 25% each week till harvest...
  17. LT1RX7 Drifter

    Help with ph ,ec run off

    the numbers mean nothing without knowing how strong the nutrients are the ec is kinda high in my world but thats my world need to know the ppm of the run off, the number you posted say nothing about the strength and only how alkiline or acidic and the electro conduction or salt content of the...
  18. LT1RX7 Drifter

    what kind of deficiency is this???? please help!!!!

    i say its root bound and needs a transplant
  19. LT1RX7 Drifter

    what kind of deficiency is this???? please help!!!!

    helps to know what your feeding it for nutes a 9 wk veg plant in my room is huge like 5x5 bush looks like a ph issue causing a mild lock out,do a run-off test test the ph and the ppm of the run off, how big a pot you got it in, might be time to transplant
  20. LT1RX7 Drifter

    The Weed Nerd~

    what ever mr 12 post i wasin being pushy it was a simple expression of my love or lackin of the weed nerd....... go back to band camp , lol :clap:i was going to say it but that too