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  1. zaggie420

    light timer didn't shut off...need help.

    turn it bk on at 8 like normal and try to avoid any more light changes/interuptions it should be fine,cross your fingers and love her :)
  2. zaggie420

    Growmergency Questions

    it will be fine just make sure to support it
  3. zaggie420

    my second cfl grow

    yea using those some side lighting might be nice
  4. zaggie420


    as long as its supported for a few days it will recover and be just fine,as for your friend tho i trust after the beating u give him he will need a few more days then the poor plant to recover ;)
  5. zaggie420

    Starting third Week of flowering

    looking good looking good indeed :)
  6. zaggie420

    Watering 1 gallon Container ?????

    a little bit of runoff each watering is a good thing,no holes is a bad thing
  7. zaggie420

    Question for Canadians?!?!?!?!

    $200 an ounce is pretty average
  8. zaggie420

    :DHeYY GuYzz!!:D WaTz ur AvErAgE GrOw aNd HoW LoNg DoEs iT LaSt U!!!??

    in my experience the more u have the more u smoke so its never enough.that said an ok average is 1 lb per 1000w light,and yes dun right what u grow yourself will almost always blow anything u find on the street out of the water.of coarse there is always an exception to every rule ;)
  9. zaggie420


    looks like a hermie
  10. zaggie420

    leaf curling HEEELLP!

    looks like a bit of overfertilization flush and give them some fresh nutrients.
  11. zaggie420

    first harvest dry weight Pics

    nice man,its wet and all but i think it should dry out to around 14-15 ounces cured? let us know :)
  12. zaggie420

    how is my plant doing? picture.

    considering its in a window and this time of year ide say it looks ok :)
  13. zaggie420

    ++++ rep for answers

    i must admit im on the west coast too,BC buds ftw!!
  14. zaggie420

    How often should I UP the nutes?

    its better to give them a bit on the shy side then it is to overferilize them and have them burnt and stressed
  15. zaggie420

    clones are slightly inferior copies!!!

    4 or 5th node down is the best place to clip and as far as rooting hormones go its more of a preference then anything else(some ppl like gel some ppl like powder,personally i like the powder),any home & garden place will stock it.
  16. zaggie420

    clones are slightly inferior copies!!!

    clones can be taken for years and years from the same plant,they are an exact copy of the parent plant in every long as the mother plant stays healthy it will produce babies exactly like the very 1st clone ever taken(your grandchildren could very well be smoking the exact same plant u...
  17. zaggie420

    Nute burn or Deficiency?? +rep for help!!!!

    almost looks like ph is ur meter calibrated?ide put a fresh nutrient solution in the res and check the ph every couple of hours,to make sure its stable.
  18. zaggie420


    flushing b4 harvest is dun for the last week or 2 of the plants life and is accomplished by just giving it plain water (no nutrients) hell mary flush is dun by watering the pot or system with plain water until u have a substantial amount of runoff
  19. zaggie420


    the hell mary flush is used when u accidenally over fertalized or some such and it basicly just washes the soil clean so u can put proper nutrients in
  20. zaggie420

    ++++ rep for answers

    white widow,sugar blossoms,blueberry x ak47 and a white rino...the white rino is old but i cant bring myself to get rid of her,shes bin with me a long long time now :)