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  1. zaggie420

    help me find a Adjustable Mesh Shelf for low stress training for my veg box?

    nah its not harsh it works fine,if ur worried u can always use stucco wire or some heavier wire fencing tho they will be a bit more expensive,as i said ive seen chicken wire used alot and works fine,its mostly all preference :) peace
  2. zaggie420

    best way to germinate seeds?

    personally i dont like doing the paper towel way,i like to use a styrofoam cup filled with soilless mix buried 1/4-1/2 inch deep keep moist but not soggy within 2 days i usuly have them all sprouted:weed:
  3. zaggie420

    help me find a Adjustable Mesh Shelf for low stress training for my veg box?

    get some 1x1 build a frame in the dimensions u need then get a small piece of chicken wire and staple it to the frame hang from chains poof ur dun,can be any size needed another way to make the frame if u dont want to use wood is 1/2" pvc tubing then secure the chicken wire with zip ties or...
  4. zaggie420

    MOTHER plants; please stop growing!!!

    leave the poor roots alone,stick to topping or lst,u can also clone her right down and let her start basicly over again. on a side note mother plants should be given a hair cut around once a month weather u need the clones or not,this will keep her short and bushy and healthy. hope it helps :weed:
  5. zaggie420

    Is smoking marijuana morally wrong?

    its a natural plant that god put here for us to all enjoy,how can that be wrong
  6. zaggie420

    can i get lil advice on npk in soil anyone?

    do a quick search of the forums and a small amount of reading and you will have all the awnsers u need :) that being said get a soilless mix like sunshine #4 and add what nutrients u want,that way u know exactly what u have...hope it helps...:blsmoke:
  7. zaggie420

    plucking premature seeds 7weeks into flower

    might as well just leave them now,its already 7 weeks in? just harvest the seeds when they are dun
  8. zaggie420


    get rid of him b4 he starts causing trouble
  9. zaggie420

    my dog decided to try and garden for me

    hopefully neibours or passer by's didnt see him dragging it throu the streets :P
  10. zaggie420

    Will my plants get enough nutes from Miracle Gro?

    lots of stuff works almost anything really(its a weed after all) just a matter of how well it works...u only get out of it what u put in so if u cheap out dont expect the world. peace :weed:
  11. zaggie420

    How man plants can I grow in 4x2 area

    u could fit like 100 plants with sea of green and yes all strains are possible with the right teqniqs
  12. zaggie420


    give some veg nutrients and veg light cycle and in a few weeks should be able to clone from her
  13. zaggie420

    Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible Download

    meh,i have all his other editions im just not sure theres enough new content in the newest book to justify buying it,thats the book b4 this 1 waz "tottaly revised" and didnt end up having enough new content but i baught it anyway...
  14. zaggie420

    advice please

    w/o humidifier will be np but u really should get somthing to measure the ph,there are some ph test kits for as little as 3-5 dollars i would try to get 1 of those to start with
  15. zaggie420

    interesting results with flowering clones.

    yes u can indeed clone a plant that is heavily flowered but unless u are going to lose the strain there isnt much point in doing so,it takes several weeks to get back to normal veg growth which is just wasting time off your crop cycles,making it very inefficant...just thaught ide throu my 2...
  16. zaggie420

    Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible Download

    i guess theres no chance of getting this anymore?
  17. zaggie420

    smoked buds lil over 5 weeks flowering

    leave the poor buds alone till thier ripe
  18. zaggie420

    The best indica

    man thats a loaded question if i ever heard one,theres way too many variables in the choice..what are u looking for?weight?taste?buzz?? because there are many bests :)
  19. zaggie420

    Who Has smoke white rhino?

    well i bin growing it for a few good years now and i cant bring myself to get rid of it,its not the best yeilder but damn the stone is hard to beat..definitly a treat ;)
  20. zaggie420

    Um i newbie Can i use this light

    no good for plants they just end up burning from the heat spots