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  1. zaggie420

    wtf??!! my plants hate fans going under hps

    umm plants do love the fans i assure you,is it the 1st time fans have bin on the plants,if so they might just need a day or 2 to adjust
  2. zaggie420


    flushing b4 harvest is a must so u dont end up with ur dope full of chemical ferilizers and what not,aside from that it help the taste and how it burns.always flush b4 harvest :)
  3. zaggie420

    ++++ rep for answers

    my pic is of my mother plants :)
  4. zaggie420

    Hey guys, neeeeeed some help! Pics...

    i would say they are being under watered,the soil looks awfully dry.try to keep them on a regular watering and they should be fine ;-)
  5. zaggie420

    What plants were used to make ak47?

    ive bin without smoke a few times and i nvr ever pick a bud a nuke it,u will be better rewarded to wait it out and u will feel alot better about it aswell :weed:
  6. zaggie420

    7 New Clones at 3 weeks Veg..

    those poor clones,personally im a big big fan of rooting in rockwool cubes but whatever way u choose u have to i mean have to use a humidity dome over those babies,maybe u have 1 but i didnt see in the pic also u should spray them everyday for the 1st 3 days,take the dome off for a few mins a...
  7. zaggie420

    Smoking the actual leaves

    yea u can smoke the leaves just fine,the big fan leaves dont do much but the bud leaf (trimmings) can be very good indeed,most ppl just make hash out of the leaves these days tho as it is super easy to make some nice nuggs of high quality "Bubble Hash" :)
  8. zaggie420

    help me with my seed!

    as long as seeds are kept in an airtight dark place and kept away from any moisture they can last for several years
  9. zaggie420

    when is it time to flower

    there is alot of variables to consider for when is the best time,such as,how many plants,how big the growing area is and so forth.most plants will atleast double in height once flowering is of the most common tho is to start flowering once the little clones reach 12-18 inches...
  10. zaggie420

    ++++ rep for answers

    nothing terribly bad will happen but nothing terribly good will happen will end up getting light airy buds with alot of leaf matter and some streching.the plants will eat any kind of food u give it the trick is to give it what it needs when it needs,and it definitly doesnt need N in...
  11. zaggie420

    sunmaster 400 watt warm deluxe metal halide?

    the bulb will do just fine,u might not get the weight as u would from a hps bulb but the end product overall will be just
  12. zaggie420


    ty,btw what mixtures are u or do u like to use for GH?
  13. zaggie420


    bump anyone?
  14. zaggie420

    1000 watt HPS LIGHT 20 inches from plant?

    yea definitly you need a fan,ide put so it is taking the air out and put an osculating fan blowing on the plants for the circulaton.chances are that might be all u need. :)
  15. zaggie420

    1000 watt HPS LIGHT 20 inches from plant?

    depending on the air circulation and temps u can get it closer then that even without fear. i keep my 1000w a mere 10 inches from the tops of my girls and they just love it,just make sure the temp at the plant tops is not more then 80 and ur good.
  16. zaggie420


    i bin using general hydroponic 3 part flora nutients for a a while now.i pretty much just use the recipie on the bottles which seems to work ok. what im wondering is what do u guys use/recomend and is there a better ratios then the ones on the bottle?
  17. zaggie420

    aquamist questions

    those vids are great yes,and he does mention what strain it is if u listen closely,i beleive its on the trimming of the second room,its a northern lights cross..:joint: