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  1. dtowndabber

    Zimmerman visits Keltec...

    What!? This is apples to oranges. One was a murder that he "wasn't involved in" and the other was "self defense" where he was definitely involved.
  2. dtowndabber

    Need advice 1 plant 1 600 hps/mh

    Sounds like you've got a solid plan. I don't think I would veg 8 weeks though. Probably no more then 6
  3. dtowndabber

    Zimmerman visits Keltec...

    It probably did jam. Thats why he was yelling for help. After being thrown to the ground and it probably being smacked against the ground several times, it finally went off. *click click* help! *click click* help! Click bang!*
  4. dtowndabber

    Zimmerman visits Keltec...

    I don't really understand anyone wanting to kill him. No matter the race. I say black community because they seem to have the most invested in this case.
  5. dtowndabber

    Caring For Clone

    6ft away? I don't see it being too strong
  6. dtowndabber

    Caring For Clone

    Use cfls or t5s over your dome. Wait til they are well rooted before transplanting.
  7. dtowndabber

    Zimmerman visits Keltec...

    No good for him. He's letting anyone who's thought about it, know that he's arming up even heavier, in case anyone wants retaliation. He knows he's considered a dead man in the black community.
  8. dtowndabber

    Who is running gage green gear???

    Damn all I have is a shirt! I need to look into them next order. Has anyone checked out Snowhigh?
  9. dtowndabber

    Whats in your bowl?

    I always thought the herer 2012 was a better year..... Lmfao what is this wine?
  10. dtowndabber

    when to clone?

    I've got girls at 23 days that all show sex.
  11. dtowndabber

    8 ft monster flowering since late3 June

    It's gonna be nice!
  12. dtowndabber

    H2o2 or Aquashield????

    Hydro is fun. It takes a little getting used to but can be mastered easily. Definitely get all the knowledge you can. As far as transplanting to hydroton, I don't until my clone or seedling has a multitude of roots. I also transplant onto a thin layer of hydroton just above the bottom of the net...
  13. dtowndabber

    My hobby (i love this plant)

    Gorgeous buddy!
  14. dtowndabber

    H2o2 or Aquashield????

    No one's using both.
  15. dtowndabber

    8 ft monster flowering since late3 June

    Wish we could see it. Sounds awesome!
  16. dtowndabber

    H2o2 or Aquashield????

    Yes and no. I have yet to try this method, haven't needed to yet.
  17. dtowndabber

    stalk is getting purplish towards the top and fan leave stems ?????

    I agree, watch the leaves. It looks good to me. And yes purple leave would be phosphorus.
  18. dtowndabber

    H2o2 or Aquashield????

    Basically yes, if you have nothing use h2o2 every few days to help keep the water clean. If you get slime then follow that recipe. Innoculate the res mean you are going to grow/birth beneficial microbacteria inside your res that will feed and live off the slime.
  19. dtowndabber

    when to clone?

    First of all, clones exhibit the same dna makeup as the mother. If you are cloning from a girl, it will be a girl. Boy to boy same thing. 2nd right now is perfect!