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  1. B

    So my car got broken into...

    Stealing is one of those things that seem to go against what I believe. Not because it's a crime but because people are gaining by taking what other people worked for. I few years ago when I was 17, me and my buddy were walking from his place to my place when out of nowhere he decides to jack...
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    So my car got broken into...

    Nice, I have no idea where mine dissapeared too.
  3. B

    The 1000 Things To Do While Stoned Thread!!!!!!!

    22) blow smoke on cats face 23) laugh at the cat 240 repeat....
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    So my car got broken into...

    I seen that all the way back in the 2000 version.
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    So my car got broken into...

    Put a Boa in the front seat. Anybody that can rob your car with that in it deserves what he gets.
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    The virus is here folks!

    Oh-oh! I thought they discovered that they have a vaccine already made for this thing? Tamaflue or something?
  7. B

    The virus is here folks!

    You seem like the type of person that likes to think. Try looking up quantum physics. You don't have to understand it in detail, just what it implies. I blew a tiny hole in my brain thinking about it yesterday. :shock:
  8. B

    The virus is here folks!

    Mad Cow was caused by Prions. Prions are protien agents that cause some kinds of brain desieses.
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    The virus is here folks!

    I don't get sick a whole lot because I usually tough it out when I'm sick. The thing is, you could have the worlds best immune system and still get a virus that kills you. Viruses change and mutate very quicky...They were one of my favourite topics in Biology.
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    The virus is here folks!

    You guys should watch the movie Journey to the edge of the universe. It's documentary that explores the universe and it tells you loads of things. The fun part about it is that a lot of things they tel you is just mans best guesses since we obviously can't reach the end of the universe. That...
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    Expecting my legal bud today!

    Ahh then it's all good. Don't let me catch you smoking that shit when you've got real herb.:lol::peace:
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    Expecting my legal bud today!

    Ahh I see. I sorta wonder if it's a placebo effect of it it actually does something.
  13. B

    my cousin took up rapping, lmao.

    Cool, I'm not a musical type either. I love listening to music but as far as musical ability, it ends at the listening part.......:lol:
  14. B

    Expecting my legal bud today!

    Good luck but to me legal bud is a mockery. People smoke weed because of the effects weed gives you. hmm Is this legal bud put through a bunch of machines and injected with a bunch of chemicals or is it just picked from a plant like weed? I have no idea where the shit comes from or how it's made.
  15. B

    my cousin took up rapping, lmao.

    Buy him the studio time. Worse-case senario, it gets him nowhere but he'll remember you buying him the studio time for a while. I mean how many people get to record in a studio?
  16. B

    sick website: free music is another good one.
  17. B

    Ounce to yourself

    When I was 16 my friend had bought an oz and came over to my place for the weekend while my parents were out of town. We smoked that whole oz in a litle over 48 hours. Now I pace myself ofcourse since I actually have to go out and get more when I run out.
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    site going down all the time?

    I noticed a few days ago I couldn't log on for the whole day but it was the only time it happened. Everything seems to be running fine now.
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    Right on. First time I smoked it I was wondering what was wrong. Right before I started smoking my 3rd bowl it hit me like a truck and I had to save it for the next session. :shock: :peace: