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  1. B

    One messed up laptop....

    I'm running a fullscan right now. I'm hoping it was just a power surge. The thing is I have my laptop connected to one of those big powerbars that are used for computers. I sorta think it starked because I was messing around with the power chord (unplugging and plugging back in. If it does it...
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    One messed up laptop....

    Hey folks, my computer is fucked, first I ever heard of something like this ever happening. Last night I was on my laptop when for for reason it shuts off....hmm maybe an error. I go to turn it back on and.....nothing happends. I look at where the power chord is cconnected to the laptop and...
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    Tylonol 3?

    Haha that hole stop smoking thing last me a long time.......I just take small tokes and inhale really slow so that there isn't a whole lot of pressure in there. If the bong plugs then I'll poke it clrear instead of toking harder like I usually do.
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    Tylonol 3?

    Haha basically why it didn't bother me. I just kept thinking.....I'm gonna be soooo nuked... Sucks thought, I just bought 5 grams of some Hawaiian Hash plant and will make your eyes water with just a sniff.
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    Tylonol 3?

    Thank you, You scared me off smoking again haha. 5 days isn't too bad, I had to stop smoking for a week about 2 weeks ago and it wasn't that bad. After the first day you don't really think about it. At least that's how it is with me.
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    Tylonol 3?

    Hmm maybe the Canadian health care system was trying to save money by only giving me one. hahaha
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    Tylonol 3?

    Hmm I might try it later.
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    Tylonol 3?

    Where I live, if there is any complication they send you to a specialist. Dentist wont even touch you. Maybe if my tooth was growing crooked I would have got some good stuff. :hump: As it was it only took 5-10 minutes. Not as long as it took for the freezing to kick in. I also wasn't alseep...
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    Tylonol 3?

    Haha good idea, but honestly I'm gonna wait until I can feel the bong on my lips. lol Froze me 3 different times. About 8 injections.
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    Tylonol 3?

    Well from what he told me there wasn't really any probs with my tooth except that it gave me pain to eat. It wasn't so bad at first but then the tooth on the other side started paining so I decided to get that taken care of. From what he said there wasn't really a need to get it pulled except...
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    Tylonol 3?

    I was planning of smoking but the problem is the suction can apparently dislodge the blood clot and that's where the pain comes in.I'm just gonna check every now and then and as soon as it heals I'll smoke. I sort of wonder if the drymouth effects the healing. Righ not my mouth is still half...
  12. B

    Tylonol 3?

    Thanks, Took it about a half hour ago. I actually had to think about weather it worked or not. The only change is that the pain is gone. How long does this last? They only gave me one. I probly should have saved it for when i go to bed tonight. I'll just wait until it's healed before I smoke...
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    Tylonol 3?

    Hey, I just came back from the denist after getting my wisdom tooth pulled and now that the freezing is wearing off it hurts like a bitch. Feels like I got punched in the side of the mouth. Can't open my jaw all the way. Anyway, I'm not going to smoke for a day or so or until it heals. I was...
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    Shocking Facts EVERYONE Should Know!

    WhatÉ The human brain is much faster then the computer. The brain just has a lot more to take care of then computers. Computers would overload if given the same load our brains are...
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    Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality

    To say were primitive makes no sense. You say were primitive...compaired to what? Aliens that may or may not exist? Even if alien life forms exist, who's to say they would have more brain power then us? There could be planets full of animals but maybe none have the abilty to reason with things...
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    Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality

    I'm not acting anything, as primitive as we are no computer we have made can match what the human brain can do. Computers are designed for specific purposes where as the brain is designed to so everything. Look it up if you want. Our brain is a crazy amount more capable them computers and...
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    Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality

    And how are aliens gods? They could be just like us but from another planet. If there is a another planet that has life on it as advanced as humans then I imagine they would be having the same problems we are.
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    Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality

    No way they could programs a robot to do nearly as many things as a human can. The brain is more powerful then any computer man has made so far and not by a little.
  19. B

    what liguid would be the healthiest for water bong??

    Oh, I didn't say that because I thought it was bullshit, I just thought it was cool.
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    what liguid would be the healthiest for water bong??

    If you read the same article I did then it also says that using high-potency weed is actually healthier for you then weed with lower THC%. The smoke from bongs "may" be less healthy but you can take more of it so if your goal is to get baked without worrying about health, use a bong. I say it...