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  1. B

    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    Where I'm from a roach is the last bit of a joint that's been ashed but still has weed in it. A filter is a narrow strip of cardboard rolled up and used to keep the top of the joint open. It just depends on where your from. Same thing with the "cone vs bowl" thread I seen somewhere. I always use...
  2. B

    mistaken for weed

    Hahaha made my day with this story!
  3. B

    playing high

    High as tits, angry as tits, hungry as tits, big tits....their all good. :mrgreen:
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    "NASA falling short of asteroid-detection goals"

    At the speed these things travel I wouldn't be suprised if one 50 meters could take out a city....I always thought that asteroids traveled extreamly fast.
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    Smoking hash in a bong? help

    Not pressed hash either. It's from overseas. The real shit. I just like a weed buzz better for some reason. Although Gold Seal and afganie are the only hash I've has smoked.
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    Smoking hash in a bong? help

    I live in Eastern Canada buddy. Everything is usually east to find. :eyesmoke:
  7. B

    Pot is destorying my life (got a raise today)

    Hmm I thought this thread was gonna be about someone blaming weed for their personal problems. lol Dude, if you can afford that at under 25 years old your doing awesome. I'm still stuck on a 5 grams a week budget :P
  8. B

    Smoking hash in a bong? help

    The bowl I have has a bigger then normal hole going from the bowl to the stem. It never plugs up but I have to watch and make sure I put a big enough nug at the bottom or it will haul some green through. I think cig ashes get sucked right through.
  9. B

    Smoking hash in a bong? help

    Haha yeah, I meant no weed. I can get hash anytime but I prefer my weed. Hash doesn't sell that much around here even though it's pretty good. Every once in a while there is a shortage that last 3 or 4 days when the big dealers are in between "trips" to pick up more. Most of the weed (hydro)...
  10. B

    Smoking hash in a bong? help

    I don't like smoking hash much but my whole city is dry for a few days so I got a gram. I hate rolling it in a joint because I have to mix it with tobacco and it makes me way too lightheaded. Are there any ways to smoke hash in a bong without wasting it? Like using tinfoil or something?
  11. B

    Whats the oddest food or combination of food you ate high?

    Hmm sounds interesting. I'll admit that when you said squid, I thought Jellyfish...I was gonna did that go down lol
  12. B

    Why don't gays/lesbians deserve to have the right to be married?

    What you don't understand is homosexuality isn't something that can be helped. Your either gay or your not and if you are then there is nothing you can do about it. It's been proven that it's not a choice, but a way people are made. If god didn't want homosexuality then why does he make it...
  13. B

    Whats the oddest food or combination of food you ate high?

    How was the squid? I've also heard of people putting mayo on hotdogs.
  14. B

    Whats the oddest food or combination of food you ate high?

    When I was moving into my new place I couldn't find where all my food went so I ended up putting together what I could find......result was a ham sandwich with salsa and salad dressing......For some reason adding the salsa seemed like a normal thing to do and I couldn't find the mayo and salad...
  15. B

    Why not prohibit smoking tobacco?

    I like the idea of letting people take the responsibilty for what they put in their body, instead of the having the government think it's their job. The government is there to protect people from other people IMO and as long as people aren't hurting other people I think it should be their own...
  16. B

    Stoner Role Call!!!

    Yo m-39 (that somehow blew the top off my head....) Bong
  17. B

    High dreams

    Dreams are like a mini trip sometimes haha
  18. B

    High dreams

    A little off topic but has anyone ever died in their dream? If so, what happend, did you wake up? I noticed a few times I would have dreams where I was falling from something and it felt exciting without being scary. I had a dream once where I was racing cars up the street, except I was in a...
  19. B

    Somethings just arn't made to be understood.

    It's weird, sometimes things tend to feel like their beyond science. Think about this. IF time travel were ever achieved, what would stop people from going back and doing something like try to stop the crucifixion? Would their be some sort of universal rule to stop someone from doing that or...
  20. B

    Porn or pot

    Haha definatly weed. When I smoke I can imagin all the porn I want..