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  1. B

    Canadian Prices?

    Definatly but what can ya expect? I don't mind. It's good shit. :weed:
  2. B

    Why would you close a thread that didn't violate rules which put cops in a bad light?

    I didn't get that one so I can't comment. lol
  3. B

    Why would you close a thread that didn't violate rules which put cops in a bad light?

    What am I talking about? there were comments about how ALL cops deserved to be beaten by people. The cops in some of those videos weren't doing anything wrong, just being attacked for no reason. It's not just videos of cops abusing their power, there were vids of cops getting the shit kicked...
  4. B

    moldy weed?

    Yeah really, why ask our opinion if you've already made up your mind because you don't like our answer.... Usually in these kinds of threads where everyone is warning someone not to do something and they do it anyway, they come back and let us know how big of a mistake it was.
  5. B

    Why would you close a thread that didn't violate rules which put cops in a bad light?

    Dude, it's attacking a group of people based solely on their profession without having any knowledge of what their like personally. Not all cops are bad just like not all stoners are dumb retards....right?
  6. B

    moldy weed?

    Not my words but found them floating on the net. "Molds are fungi, and some species of mold can produce highly toxic chemicals. Even if you remove all the mold that you can see, the chemicals they produce could be spread throughout the Cannabis. There's no practical...
  7. B

    moldy weed?

    Yes but the thing is you only see mold that flowers. There could be a lot that just didn't flower yet and you would be smoking though. Really, it's not worth the risk of ending up in the hospital or something. Smoking mold is bad. That's why your not supposed to live in the same house as certain...
  8. B

    moldy weed?

    And I'm pretty sure it does fuck your lungs over pretty badly.
  9. B

    moldy weed?

    Never smoke moldy weed. Would you eat Moldy bread?
  10. B

    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    Ahh thanks bud. The more weed and less paper I taste the better. :weed:
  11. B

    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    Hmm would it say specifically on the pack? I picked up some yesterday, little bit or orange but mostly that reflective silver...
  12. B

    There Is No Devil.

    I always thought the concept was Satan was pissed at God so they've been fighting for our souls?
  13. B

    who here watches the joy of painting with bob ross?

    Google video has a few.
  14. B

    Break or Bury?

    How can you even talk about breaking a bong on purpose?!?!?!?! Give it away man! She's ment to be used...
  15. B

    fly in bong water?!

    Get him out now! lol sorta related....I think I may have killed a fly by breathing smoke on him about a week back.....just stopped moving and has been still ever since....sleep my child and let your wings be lifted by the gentle breeze of my huge toke.......
  16. B

    The Metal Thread

    Hahahaha I do stuff like that too. I"m too attached to some things lol
  17. B

    Hash stopped getting me high....

    For some reason last summer hash used to make me high as a kite, as well as everyone around me. Since I prefer smoking weed I usually don't smoke much hash. But seeing as how the whole fucking proving is dry of weed, I'm having to try and survive off hash. The thing is, it doesn't seem to get...
  18. B

    The Metal Thread

    Hahaha I'm strange. I don't like metal but Metallica happen to be one of my favourite bands. I like all of their shit except the load, re-load, and st.shit era. Master of puppets always seem to get me pumped up. So I guess I only have one metal band haha. I did see Anvil open up for AC/DC last...
  19. B

    to cough or not to cough.

    Perhaps, but I find the actual process of smoking weed relaxing. Just bring my Ipod with me and veg out for a good 20 minutes and then watch some HDTV :P
  20. B

    The Rate The Song Above You Thread

    Haha it's ok dude, it's just where I'm from there isn't a whole lot of that culture around. City of about 10,000......9,995 of which are white lol. There are actually more white kids that think there black lol. We aren't a very diverse here but french and english are pretty much 50/50. In fact...