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  1. W

    Flowering 8 weeks vs 10..

    Well depending on what your growing, 10 weeks may not be enough.
  2. W

    I popcorned some buds dried them smoked them they taste like grass whats the deal ?

    Agreed on the premature dry and cure. Even the best genetics, if harvested to early, will suck no matter how you dry/cure it. Need to have time for flavors and smell (turpines?) to come about. Not to mention potency.
  3. W

    Just got my seed need help. Start wth reading the above link.
  4. W

    This site sucks!

    Saw change comming to above, so quoted for posterity.
  5. W

    This site sucks!

    Awwww. Don't blame the site for operator error. I use my I phone and have zero issues. Your post views could be the net spiders that gather info. Bot programs that scour the net gathering info to help with searches. Even more odd is when you see 10 replies to a thread with zero views. Your...
  6. W

    Dehumidifier & Hygrometer disagree about humidity level. Who do you trust?

    Is your hygrometer right next to the dehumidifier? That will also cause a difference, if they ate spread apart from each other. A dehumidifier draws the moisture out so it would stand to reason it's built in hygrometer would vary from one across a room.
  7. W

    How long to make CS? this link is allowed, check it out. If not, check it before its deleted. Lol
  8. W

    starting off

    Sure you can window will them. Your going to transplant them outdoors, and if they stretch, burry the stretchy stem. I just put my seed into soil and keep it moist and warm till it. Real the surface, then goes right into light.
  9. W

    a few seeds in my buds, any chance they are fem?

    I should have added to last post, it's more of a chance of femanzied if the hermie pollen sac was from a different plant. If the seed came from a hermie flower on same plant it decreases odds of femanized. Again, just for personal. Grow them up. Sorry bout being long winded. Recently took a...
  10. W

    a few seeds in my buds, any chance they are fem?

    I wouldn't bet the farm on them being femanized (not truly femanized that is). Whatever caused the seed can be carried over. If it was from a hermie flower due to stress, it can have not only the hermie trait, but also carry the trigger that caused it to hermie in the first place. There is also...
  11. W

    A/C temperature fluctuation

    The simple answer is it sound like poor room circulation. Just the warm/cool zone within the room leads me to think this.
  12. W

    a few seeds in my buds, any chance they are fem?

    I give my fresh seeds a good dry in a dark cool closet (like 2 weeks) then in the fridge. Not sure if the fridge is needed, but read it somewhere that they need a shot of cold to mimic winter(like apple seeds). 100% germination rate, so I stick to what works for me.
  13. W

    Keep weaving, or let it stretch?

    I haven't played with a SCROG yet, but everything I heard, most people fill about 3/4 of the screen during veg. Continue to weave for the couple week transition, then stop weaving when flowering. Seems reasonable, but again, haven't tried it myself yet.
  14. W

    what is it that money cant buy ?

    Common sense.
  15. W

    Cfl grow, fluro question.

    To know if it's the bulb, check the ends for dark rings on the glass. If its clean all the way through, that would mean the ballast/starter is going bad.
  16. W

    Tips for the switch

    I can't say for sure if flowering nutes early does anything either way. Plants take up different nutes based on what phase it's in. They use what's available to them. Think a super soil recipe. Everything it will need is in the soil and all you do is water it. The nutes basically sit in the soil...
  17. W

    Tips for the switch

    The showing of pre flowers is determined by the plant. Just gotta wait it out. I know of no way to speed it up. Keep in mind too that if the plant isn't gen sexually mature, it will continue on the unknown till it is. That's why even 12/12 from seed grows (done a few) won't show till about a...
  18. W

    need help please

    Blurry on my phone, but appears so. Deffinately doesn't look female. Is the growth pod shaped and attached with a thin stem to the stalk? If so, bad news.
  19. W

    Q about inducing male flowers

    Oooook. What were you going to do with the cutting? Move it to a new area away from you girls right? Do the same thing with the plant you spray. I would never keep a colladial sprayed plant near the girls, as no one should. I myself scrap the plant after spraying as to not chance issues. If you...
  20. W

    BUG Lite CFL

    Cause I'm a consumer and not paid to say otherwise. They give off light that won't attract certain bugs, as opposed to a white light that will attract. It's not a repellant. Edit: Even it's own description says "reduced attraction", but neglects to say its reduced compared to white light. Lol.