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  1. W

    Is this what I think it is??

    Looks like 2 hermie sacs in the first pic. If you don't want to risk pollinating you other girls, you should remove the plant from the grow area and finish it else where or destroy. The buds will still be smoke able if you finish it, just seeded.
  2. W

    No sex indication

    Think I see winner winner on the second pic. Right side behind stipule.
  3. W

    just wondering

    E-bay, 30x or greater loupe. Radio shack pocket microscope. Got an old telescope you can use the 20 mm eye piece and look through the end that attaches to the scope.
  4. W

    Whats wrong with my sproutling, pics inside!!!

    Not saying it's the only reason, but it is a possibility. I've had a few do it and bounce back right away. From seed you never know what will happen. The holes seen a little big in the rooters (man I hate them). I believe with those your supposed to (like in soil) compress a little around the...
  5. W

    hermie? fertilized female?

    Doh, missed the part that it actually had buds. My bad. Watch those pollen sacks carefully as all it takes is one to seed your crop. Edit: If it was a pollinated calyx, it would still have trichs on it. Pollen sacks are pretty smooth.
  6. W

    Whats wrong with my sproutling, pics inside!!!

    Just broke soil, which it a fight for a seedling, and under the soil is dark, so no light. It should straighten and green up over the next few days.
  7. W

    hermie? fertilized female?

    Shiny and bulbous sounds male. Pics plz.
  8. W

    harvest extras

    Considered dry ice hash? I'm probably going to give that a shot with my next harvests trimmings. I have to much butter now as it is. Lol.
  9. W

    No sex indication

    Can you get a closer shot of the branch to the right (same as above just concentrated on that node on the right branch). I think I see female calyx. Could just be new growth, but goes blurry when zoomed in.
  10. W

    Bent Branches

    Tough to say without seeing. At 4 weeks of flower and the bud weight already putting a strain on the plant would mean they didn't harden off enough frOm the fan. Without seeing its tough to say. I would get some stakes to hold them up though for sure.
  11. W

    Preflower Help!

    Technically jman is right, if it's a photoperiod strain. Even outdoors (ok yu don't switch it, nature does) it still need to be down to about 12/12. Check your local daylight hours to see when.
  12. W

    Could these two balls be pollen sacks? Please Help!

    Yes they are balls (pollen sacks), yes they are hermie, no you won't have femanised seed. If its yur only plant, you can run it and it will still make smokable bud, but the resulting seed will be hermie seed. If you have another other females, you should kill this thing before it pollinates...
  13. W

    tiny little spots

    A nute burn usually shows at the tips and edges first. Let me grab a couple charts to post up less someone beats me to it.
  14. W

    tiny little spots

    Pic would help but off hand sounds like a pest. Spidermite maybe. Get a scope and check under leafs for them suckers.
  15. W

    Male Or Female?????

    Only thing I can make it in the pic is stipules,, which aren't an indicator, sorry.
  16. W

    Estimated yield???

    One billion pounds!!! Seriously evn with pictures it's impossible to answer. It all depends on grow knowledge, strain, veg time, and many more variables. More info would help.
  17. W

    why does it take a tragedy to help others?

    I donate to animal shelters (also adopted my pets from them), give to salvation army (all year when I have something to donate, and the bell ringers around holidays), amvet donations, soup kitchens (time and funds), and a few numerous others. Some people are just to jaded nowadays, and don't see...
  18. W

    Electricians advice needed

    Chances are the light is controlled by a 15 amp breaker, which also has outlets in the room on it. If you did a test run and didn't trip the breaker, then your good. If you have more to add, then can either wing it and see if it trips, or find out what outlets and lights (could be multiple...
  19. W

    Fuck i've got a full blown hermie!!

    With plucking, if yu miss a few and being as its venting on your outdoor grow, you're not going to be happy. If it was just one Plant in question, and it wasn't crazy covered, maybe keep it going. Personally if i was in the same situation, i would cut it down. Edit: is your exhaust filtered to...
  20. W

    Some advice would be great

    Look good for what I can see. What advice are you looking for?