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  1. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Man its hot! They seem to be liking it? The south shore of MA feels like the equator. About 18 inches tall. Its been 1 month since seed. Not sure how its gonna gonna go yet! But I have high hopes.
  2. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    They are loving this weather. Not huge yet, but looking pretty healthy I think.
  3. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Congrats! That's great news.
  4. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    So far so good...everyone is happy and bouncing back from their last transplant to their former explosive growth. This is my first time growing any sativas...not used to the skinny look on the 2 or 3 of them yet.
  5. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Last year my first buds were visible Aug 16th. I harvested in mid-late october. The plants went in the ground outdoors at the end of May. This picture was from the first day budlettes were visible (Aug 16, 2017) I am on the South Shore of MA.
  6. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Last year...i didn't even plant my seeds until May 30th. Hahaha. So clueless... Next year I am doing the greenhouse/mothers/genetically superior clones route for sure.
  7. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Wow. You have a considerable head start on me. I need to step up my game next year for sure...
  8. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    6 days since hitting the soil...the babies are looking strong and healthy. No stretching and excellent color.
  9. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Looks like it will be around 90 on Thursday. Might be a good day to start getting the little ones outside under the sun for a few hours. Start getting them used to the great outdoors...
  10. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Yeaaaaa buddy. South Shore MA here. Got 3 diff strains in cups right now. Germinated, planted, and waiting for them to peak. So excited to be back!
  11. Black-Thumb


    Yea, that's what I meant by almost more security then you want...
  12. Black-Thumb


    Awesome experience 2 years in a row. Super strong genetics, very secure checkout (almost to the point of annoying because of all the security), awesome prices for feminised seeds (especially in the mix packs), and very fast reliable shipping. They are great. I got 15 Fem seeds (5× super Skunk...
  13. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Yessir! Like 8 different kinds.
  14. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Damn...those look super healthy. Super happy plants.
  15. Black-Thumb

    Keeping away hares and badgers. pee?

    I dug down 1 foot, lined the garden with wire fence, then overlapped it with the above ground fence. The deer are forced to look on longingly with zero access... If that's not realistic, air rifles are cheap and rabbits are delicious!
  16. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Anyone trying anything new this season that they are pumped about? (Strains, nutes, super soils, training methods, growing location etc...)
  17. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Last year I did 2 in the ground, 2 in 17gal plastic pots. All 4 Fem WW from ILGM. This year I am doing Super Skunk, Amnesia Haze, and OG Kush. All fem from ILGM. All 20gal SmartPots.
  18. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    South Shore Mass here... Honestly, I wouldn't mind the shit weather now if it meant a beautiful Aug, Sep, Oct... I can deal with it at this stage of the grow, but finishing up with last years end of the season weather was not easy. Got some okay results for my first grow. It makes me wonder...
  19. Black-Thumb

    New England outdoors 2018

    Its that time of year again. Hopefully we have kinder weather this time around. Last year was...a challenge.
  20. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    I'm checking it out tonight. We are sitting out for the meteor shower from 12-5am. I don't really smoke, but it seemed like an ideal occasion to dive in!