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  1. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    My goal is to have it for friends, family, and guests. Now that it has finally been made legal recreationally, it seems like a good thing to have on hand for when we entertain and someone doesn't want to drink. I always have beer and wine to offer people, so it seems reasonable to have a jar of...
  2. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Thanks! Glad to hear they look healthy from someone who knows! Yea, the last thing I grew was sunflowers in first grade. Never really was the "gardening" type. But now I'm on board 100%. I love growing these plants. I don't smoke, but working with them is ridiculously rewarding. You are...
  3. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    It was a beautiful day. The plants are happier then they have been in weeks and the Pats won. Looking forward to this week. Tons of sun in the forecast!
  4. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    I am guessing that I am about 3 weeks away. This is my first time growing anything, so that's a very inexperienced guesstimate. My trics are all cloudy, but I also still have some white hairs standing up. Nice being in pots though, I feel like I can really push them as long as I need to since...
  5. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Yup! 85 today here on the south shore in MA. Also our next 4 days are sunny and 80. I think the plants deserve it after that pounding last week.
  6. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Question for anyone with experience... How much does the brutal rain and wind we got last night effect the way your trichomes look? I just checked my 2 wild girls and all their trichomes are cloudy/amber and some are falling over or have been beheaded. Is this most likely a result of the...
  7. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    For sure. I am hoping the next 30 days are kind as far as weather goes. So, I just counted on my grow calender, and from the first day "budlettes" appeared on these plants to today, is only 45 days. Does that seem crazy? If these have another 40 days or more to go I can't even imagine what they...
  8. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Sun at last!!! They are drinking it in... Starting to see some swelling, but still have a lot of white pistils sticking straight up. Trichomes look mostly nice and milky. 3 or 4 more weeks to go I'm guessing?
  9. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Sweet baby James. Those are some stacked plants. Very impressive.
  10. Black-Thumb

    Ordering Seeds?

    Thought this might be helpful for people in the future... I bought 10 fem White Widows from ILGM for $54 a few months back and have been very happy so far. I am still a few weeks from harvest and am a first time grower (outdoor), but for what it's worth, they have been extremely resilient and...
  11. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    So bad. It's awful out today. Just checked the 10 day, and at least I have 8 days of sunny 70-80 degree weather coming. God knows they need it.
  12. Black-Thumb

    Finishing up, northeast 2017

    Thanks for the advice. I left them alone and they are doing well so far (picture is from yesterday). The one on the right is about 6 ft tall. These are the two I threw in the ground and left alone. They have only received what nature has provided them (plus 2 stakes from me right before the...
  13. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Just went and dug through them. Couldn't find any PM. Maybe it was some artifact/shine from the flash on the leaf? Not sure. Either way, good lookin' out. In the picture below, on some of the leaves that are sideways to the camera, the shine from the leaves is blurred while reflecting the...
  14. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Fuck. I hope not. That would be pretty heart breaking. I'm gonna go check. I know lights not good for them in the dark but I'm not gonna be able to sleep worrying about that. Thanks for the heads up.
  15. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Damn. gonna be...amazing.
  16. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Yea, it was tough out there. I wish we were getting more sun. I had the 2 white widow out all day also, but they were under a cover getting all light, no rain. So the experiment plant didn't make it?
  17. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    The 10 day forecast is a massacre. 5 days of rain, 3 of sun. Hopefully it improves. Rough wind and rain today, but they made it through unscathed!
  18. Black-Thumb

    Finishing up, northeast 2017

    Rain and 20-25mph winds all day... 10 day forcast is: -3 days of sun -5 of rain -2 days overcast This weather is killing me, but they made it through today so I'm thankful for that!
  19. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    I have two 100% wild grown girls out in the way back. They are still standing! The plant on the right is a little shorter then me (I'm 6'3), so I am a little worried about it being top heavy in this weather. Pardon the deer photo bomb.
  20. Black-Thumb

    Northeast weather 2017

    Same on the south shore. Plus 15-20mph winds, gusts sound higher. Looking like a pretty brutal day.