Search results

  1. medicalmary

    Hot Shot Pest Strips...are they safe?

    I would not use them were you sleep (after spending a couple hours in an enclosed space with them they gave me severe headaches). I've used them in the past and they work best in a quarantine room with minimal ventilation. I like placing them in front of a fan with the clip so that the active...
  2. medicalmary

    spittle bug problem

    I have these all over my perennial flower garden. I'm also interested in this. I'll look into this. And, yes they are probably harmful. The spittle is most likely sugars from the plants and since large cuts are being made into the stems it is creating a vector for disease to creep in. mm
  3. medicalmary

    White flies?

    whiteflies usually pupate on the underside of leaves. They look like a pale yellow/clear scale several millimeters long. If ya got them, use an insecticidal soap once a week for a month and use neem oil once a week for a month. Before you can know what to do, first make sure you know what you...
  4. medicalmary

    Plants getting eaten!!

    Tis the season for slugs and snails. Put out a plate of beer or yeast sugar and water for the little suckers and see what ya get. If you check at night you just might find them on your leaves. I assume they are being eaten from the bottom up. mm
  5. medicalmary

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    I have not had success with pyrethrum bombs. The problem with neem is that it coats the stomata on the underside of the leaves and it make transpiration less efficient. So, if you are using it as your only measure against mites, not only are your plants going to suffer from the mite damage...
  6. medicalmary

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    How ripe do the peppers have to be? If I use green to orange pepper will they kill spider mites in the second n star? If I use fully ripe red peppers will they kill adults? What are the pesticide handler instruction? Should I were goggles so I don't get any in my eyes? If ya got some...
  7. medicalmary

    Can anyone tell me what these spots are, two plants have different problems.

    Azadiractin once a week at high levels with kill most anything except spidermites pretty much in all stages, pupating thrips, leaf miners, fungus gnats, etc. Azatrol does kill late stage insects on contact and slightly through feeding on foliage. It does not soak into foliage like some...
  8. medicalmary

    growing outdoor with grey water

    Do those look like tunnels in the fan leaves to you? Crack one of your healthier fan leaves open with the middle eaten out and look for a leaf miner. That looks like some chard I grew last summer. First thing to check. To reduce temperature get some shade clothe. They come in percentages of...
  9. medicalmary

    1 Week Old Plants Leaning Over!!!

    they incredibly small. One week from seed. I didn't catch that. They will correct themselves. Don't push the light quite yet. They don't much of anything but time right now. make sure they don't dry out. mm
  10. medicalmary

    White Fire Drooping 3 Days After Planting

    I actually didn't read anything he said in the thing I quoted. All i needed was to look at the picture for .15th of a second to see what the problem was. As far as I'm concerned this problem is solved. Look at the size of that clone and the itty bitty cube it is in. If ya gonna take clones...
  11. medicalmary

    help! magnesium issue?

    just use dolomite lime. it is a calcium magnesium compound that will stabilize your "soil". Are you using soil? To apply to soil go to a garden supply store ask for dolomite lime. Get a coffee grinder and powder it. add approximately 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil. Next time you mix your...
  12. medicalmary

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Haven't been on these forums for 2 years and I like to see UB answering the same old watering questions... same as it ever was same as it ever was... mm
  13. medicalmary

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    This is a water issue. This is an underwatering issue. You have excess salt buildup in your media, so even when you water, it takes days for you plants to take up water because of the salt build up. During Flower do not let your pots run dry or your yield will suffer. You might also be over...
  14. medicalmary

    My plants are wilting at night..

    this post is 2 years old!
  15. medicalmary

    Whats happening to my girls?!

    What the hell is going on in this forum. Take a chemistry class. It is called dolomitic lime and it is a magnesium calcium compound. Don't ever add sugar or milk to your soil to fix fertilizer problems. The above pH ranges are correct. What are we making ice cream here? There is a scale of...
  16. medicalmary

    help! magnesium issue?

    They are small. Back off on the fertilizer. What is your soil media? At this stage of development it would be 1/8th to 1/4 tsp base nute per gallon. Keep the EC to .5 at the most. Don't over fertilize or overwater in veg. mm
  17. medicalmary

    Please need help!!!!!

    Even in hydro never water at EC 2-4. Keep it at EC .8 at the highest during veg. You are killing them with salt. They can't take up water with a media of EC 4. Come on. How did no one catch this. mm
  18. medicalmary

    White Fire Drooping 3 Days After Planting

    I see hydroton and some kind of peat mixture in a pot. Don't mix the two. Use perlite for aeration and don't mess with hydroton in non hydroponics setups. They look like they were up-potted before they had the root system to support the size of the clones. Too much plant mass above the...
  19. medicalmary

    growing outdoor with grey water

    More info. what day of flower? Looks like phosphorus deficiency, however, you may have answered your own question. 109F is way to hot. keep your temps at 80F at the highest without additional CO2. mm
  20. medicalmary

    My girl has a BIG PROBLEM! Help PLEASE!!!!!

    More information. The look like they are clawing, which means too much nitrogen and therefore base nutrient solution. Then again, what pH are you watering at. Could be a lockout problem. Purple stems are notoriously mag deficiency, however, your mid leaves are not showing interveniel...