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  1. N

    quick question about spider mites?????

    when i got my clones i transfered mites into room got early in veg treated with mighty wash and cleared them up now done with flower i flushed plants the other day and relized that my sweet tai strain had mites again but only sweet tai choclope and sour deisel had none. so 2 questions can i use...
  2. N

    should i pull fan leaves???

    just flused my ladies 3 days ago now that done grow should or can i pull the biggest fan leaves? would that benifit them or hurt them???? first cycle would app. the help thabks :leaf:
  3. N

    any suggestion on how to tie plant while flower??? would help

    im more concerned with the canopy there is no light getting to the bottoms could i just use one stick n bring everything to the main stalk would it help or hurt anything
  4. N

    any suggestion on how to tie plant while flower??? would help

    any other ides or ways i can make sure they dont sags when they flower?hey hows its going need some ideas i started to use bamboo sticks to tie off branches but got 4 plants into room n i dont think they will fit i did a different starin and it a real sterechy plant:dunce:
  5. N

    quick easy question?

    i have a clone dome what watt light should i use i know i dont want it to hot any help thanks u fellow paitients
  6. N

    when to jar???

    they wont get to dry
  7. N

    when to jar???

    iv been drying my laDIES for 4 days now buds really dry but branches still moist should i start to jar them or let them hang for a few more days untill branches crack but dont come offf???/
  8. N

    Should i trim lower branches

    if u cut the lower level while in flower will u hermaphadite them
  9. N

    trimming question??????????

    im 4 weeks into flower if i cut all the bottom garbage will it hurt the plant or help????
  10. N

    watering question???

    im now currently flowering my ladies. My question is do i feed nuets everytime i feed or nuets 1 feed then reg h2o the next feeding ??? any comments would helpp thanks
  11. N

    water question???

    should i mix my newt in my 20 gallon tote or should i add newts to the gallon of water when i water????
  12. N

    quick question?

    should i keep them in veg og put them in flower and just wait till iget the newts ive got to much invested the seed cost me 900 for ten seeds if they die im out bout 200 grand i new at this so all the help i can get would be appericated
  13. N

    quick question?

    my friend told me turn my light off for a week then 12 n 12 them bci dont have the money to buy my powered nuets for about a week or to he said it would not hurt them
  14. N

    quick question pics included

    when should i put tie my branches to sticks just in flower or could i use them as a soucre of low stree traning n tie undergrowth to within light spectrum??? any help would help
  15. N

    finnally transplanted pics included

    :clap:i finale did it i put my 2 gallon ladies in 5 gallon pot let me know what u think
  16. N

    do i have to transplant???

    my ladies r in 2 gallon pots and about 2 21/2 feet tall but they are root bound. im limited on funds at the moment do i have to transplant into bigger pots or can i flower? or will it mess the plant up since the roots have no where to go?? please help
  17. N


    take a look at other post finally got pics let me know what u think quick question does the plant grow to the gallon of ur pot how to know when to flower
  18. N


    i have soild so do i flush with reg h2o??
  19. N


    should i flush my ladies every cpl weeks or should i just flush the last week or two of flowerin to get rid of the harsh ness and salt and cemical build ups
  20. N

    when to flower pics includeed

    :wall: my ladies are bout 2 feet tall in 2 gallon pots. here some pics tell me what u think. if i flower them now u thinks they will produce ok???? this is firsmy time my ladies r under a 400 watt metal halide.. i have a 600 watt h.p.s for my flower is it safe to start to flower and also will...