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  1. tokin'iteasy

    good soil...??

    I like roots or ff ocean forest. but yes they will have gnats or other pests in them. almost all of them will have some sort of bug in them. Just grab some go gnat or other organic pesticide to keep the problem to a minimum. gnat larvae will do some root damage but its not gonna kill off your...
  2. tokin'iteasy

    All curled up!

    Also your gonna have to take care of bud mold when you foiler feed.
  3. tokin'iteasy

    All curled up!

    IMO i think you may have a plant disease. I am dealing with rust right now and it is no joke. I have to spray almost every day to keep it under control. I notice a lot of pics that look like disease issues on RIU and everyone always says pH. If you are using Earth Juice properly and...
  4. tokin'iteasy

    FF happy frog question....

    I don't think HF is that hot. It's not light like LW or hot like OF or Amazon Bloom. I would say its in the middle. On my last grow i put my plants in a couple of different soil mixtures. Using Amazon Bloom (super hot), Happy Frog, Light Warrior and Perlite. The plants in the Amazon...
  5. tokin'iteasy

    best organic soil

    This last grow i did i used 100% Happy Frog, 100% Amazon Bloom, and a 50/50 mix as well. By far the 100% Amazon Bloom had the best results. Never tried FFOF, but i always hear good things about it.
  6. tokin'iteasy

    Plant leaf is changing color

    I'm no expert, but kinda looks like rust. I am dealing with the same thing. it sucks and really hard to get rid of. i grow organically and my hydro shop guy recommended serenade disease control. Good luck.
  7. tokin'iteasy

    Hows it going kush, Ive got some electrical questions for you. right now im running a 1000w...

    Hows it going kush, Ive got some electrical questions for you. right now im running a 1000w, a/c, and fans. the 1000w is plugged into the GFI in the bathroom. otherwise the circuit will trip. the setup right now isn't going to work for long (kills my back), and i would like to utilize the...
  8. tokin'iteasy

    2nd attempt & first journal

    Here is the garden now...about five weeks into veg. i am waiting for them to show sex. i had an incedent with the a/c exhaust and it got up to 84 in my room for who knows how long. i hope it didnt effect the female to male ratio. i also tried to top the blueberry and i topped one ak, just to...
  9. tokin'iteasy

    2nd attempt & first journal

    Well i had some computer issues and haven't log my progress in a while. Here is me catching up... The first pics are when the plants were about 2.5 weeks (i think) i had the ak 47s in smaller pots and then transplanted them into 3 gal pots. As seen in the next pics... i sprinkled a little...
  10. tokin'iteasy

    2nd attempt & first journal

    Its about 2.5 ft away. I had it closer but i noticed a lil bleaching so i lifted the light a lil. It also helped distribute the light better (i think). I tell you, this bulb kicks ass. i was using another mh from my last grow and it blew out. i ran out and got this to replace it and i swear...
  11. tokin'iteasy

    2nd attempt & first journal

    Hello all! This is my 2nd attempt to grow. My first was a disaster and I regrouped and am taking another stab. This is the scene: Strains: Blueberry and White Russian fom Joey Weed, Ak-47 from Serious Seeds, and G-13 Labs Power Skunk and Pure Gold (those were free!!) Light: Hortilux-Blue MH...
  12. tokin'iteasy

    Hello Dr. VonDankenstine! I just saw your thread about the class that you are holding, what a...

    Hello Dr. VonDankenstine! I just saw your thread about the class that you are holding, what a great idea! Too bad i had not seen this earlier, i would've def wanted to enroll. i started my plants about when you started the class (maybe a lil later). I tried to grow last year but failed...