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  1. R

    Strange looking leaves.

    I'm currently growing five plants, but one of the five has awkward bumpy "lettuce" looking leaves. Is there something wrong with the plant? Is it a disease of some sort, or is this a usual occurrence? The newer leaves sprouting from the plant look fine, though.
  2. R

    My seed germ'd and now the shell is stuck

    Patience my friend. You shell was probably just a bit thicker than normal, and soon it should fall off.
  3. R

    Plant wont hold itself up.

    Thanks everyone. I'll re-think my germinating process, the plants have been buried a bit more, looking good. Got a new lighting system as well today. Thanks again.
  4. R

    Plant wont hold itself up.

    I'm having trouble with my first plant, it's about two weeks in and a couple inches tall. It's very top heavy, and can' hold itself up without upport from a rock or something else, any ideas on whats causing this?
  5. R

    Question about schwag

    Curious about this too.