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  1. kangdark55

    Heavyweight autoflower advise about a problem

    No hardcore growers gonna take a stab at this? i know its tricky
  2. kangdark55

    Heavyweight autoflower advise about a problem

    Hi guys and girls am not a first time grower but only grow autos, i bought fem heavyweight auto shooting star seeds without researching and turns out its a bad strain and wont flower so i am switching it from 18/6 to 12/12 to try kick it into budding, my question is after its starts to bud on...
  3. kangdark55

    Seeds -- how to pay

    i allways send a postal order with my address ect thats the safeist way possable
  4. kangdark55

    id be lying if i said i dident really love the weed

    id be lying if i said i dident really love the weed
  5. kangdark55

    lowryder #2 yield?

    i got abround 1 1/2 oz for a lowryder2 growen with a duel spectrum 125watt cfl in a tent
  6. kangdark55

    Used 2 different bottles of pest contol but i still cant get rid of...

    neem oil mixed with liquid soap and warn water, spay the whole plant and under leaves
  7. kangdark55

    Dual spec or Red spec?

    i use a dual spectrum 125watt cfl which i thought would be fine all the way through and it was really great for vegging but not for flowering as the buds just dont get big so ive switched to a 250watt red cfl for flowering and between the both it works really great.
  8. kangdark55

    when do i add bloom to my lowryders

    yeah your good to add abit when u feel like it or you could leave it for another 3 or 4 days just to get a little bigger but you should be fine either way, the fun starts when the flowering begins and you have a lovely smell in your room and cant wait until harvest time lol good luck i am about...
  9. kangdark55

    when do i add bloom to my lowryders

    are they autoflower and indoor? if so you could start giving them a 1/4 strength to get them started on bloom slowly anytime
  10. kangdark55

    poppy indoors question

    lol do you have like a trip? ive had x and coke before but nothing that this
  11. kangdark55

    poppy indoors question

    this may sound stupid but what do u do with the poppies? do u just eat them and get a buzz or what?
  12. kangdark55

    Does this sound right to you?

    dont use superthrive during flowering only during veg it will fuck up your buds
  13. kangdark55

    what's the shortest veg cycle you've done?

    i use 18/6 for my autoflower all the way through i just switch the nutes after 3 weeks of vegging
  14. kangdark55

    Where to place carbon filter in a grow tent?

    i tied mine to the roof of the tent same with the fan
  15. kangdark55

    BBC Cannabis Documentary

    i dont think many will bother as am sure the bbc will make cannabis out to be the worst killer drug ever even tho its totally harmless and should be legal.
  16. kangdark55

    Autoflowering question

    you should be getting around 1 to 3 oz's per plant what kind of light are you using? autoflowering plant wont produce just as much as normal big plant but there wont be much difference
  17. kangdark55

    no matter what i do i cant get rid of the mites!

    i would spray with neem oil mixed with liquid soap and warm water everyday for two weeks, keep spaying as they lay eggs and can hatch after the spay has worn off, make sure to spay the under leaves well too