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  1. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    i see. well i know that cfls or floros cant compete with HPS for flowering or even veg (to an extent?) i was planning on just using those cfl's for veg and clones and picking up a 400 watt HPS for flowing in the bottom chamber. i just picked up a free mini-fridge today that doesnt work. i...
  2. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    hmm. the leaves on the bigger one are now starting to curl inward and still havent made any growth. its been a month since a leaf has grown, are they dead on their feet?
  3. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    also. since the top of the box for veging/clones, how much light can i give them? is the 3 100 replacements as much as they can use? i have 5 more of those plates and fixtures and bulbs for each. so i could easily up the amount of lights in the top chamber if it would help plants grow faster. i...
  4. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    what is a massive difference? the hps lights vs floros for flowering? or floros vs MH for veg? concerning the plants, they just look exactly the same as they have for 3 weeks now. nothing has changed, not a single new leaf, not a chute, nothing. but the stems are rigid still and i dont think...
  5. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    ooh no. dont tell me i should have done something to the roots before i put in soil! the small Church plant had hardly any roots left. just a taproot basically. the great white had a pretty nice root mass about twice the size of the plant. about 70-80% of those roots were good. some rotted ones...
  6. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    btw. they dont look good from root rot caused by the previous hydro setup, so the yellowing leaves ect were like that before i transplanted. i guess i should look to the new growth as an indicator as to what they need or are missing? here is another wider shot of the grow cabinet. i just added...
  7. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    here they are after i have transplanted them to the soil mix i made. its more or less 1/2 potting soil, 25% pearlite and 25% cow shit compost. i didnt add any blood meal or bone meal as i am not sure how to mix those and when i should. i am told the potting soil will give them more than enough...
  8. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    thanks cut. ya its great how people are all here helping each other with ideas and whatnot. ill take a picture of the hydro nuts i have and there is a pic of all the soil stuff i bought at lowes on here somewhere. should be my last pic. im heading to lowes now to get stuff to add another...
  9. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    ok, i found a recipie that fit some of the stuff i had had bought from lowes. its like 5 parts potting soil, 3 parts cow manure 2 parts pearlite 2 parts vermiculite. i didnt add any blood or bonemeal into this mix as i figured the potting soil has more than enough to get these babies going...
  10. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    awesome. thanks for the advice. i have no credit card at the moment, so it makes it impossible to order online at the present. is there no possible way to create a suitable soil from what i purchased? i know your trying to make it idiot proof and all, but feasabily is more practical than ease...
  11. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    OK back from lowes and the other ghetto garden places. here is what i bought. please tell me i got what i needed. i also picked up 4 8inch pots that you can see still in the bag. i am GUESSING that 4 plants in those 8 inch pots would be good for my size flower chamber. is this correct? anyone...
  12. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    ok, i am about to head to lowes and buy some soil to get started. i read i need vermiculite, perlite, top soil and lime. i hope lowes sells all this. how do you switch nutrients? fox farms isnt sold at lowes, so its not an option. i guess ill go look around at a couple gardening places and see...
  13. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    well it sounds like soil is the way to go. possibly less of a headache too it looks like. the flowering cabenet is 2 feet by 4 feet and 5 feet tall. i was planning a Scrog grow in there and hoping for a 250 or 400 watt hps when i get the cash or find one at night a little too low to the ground...
  14. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    ok, i have been thinking about this delemia of my hydro vs. soil. it what your saying is true, then i have no choice but to abandon my entire hydro systems. how much slower will they grow in soil? how do i adjust the ph? what soil do i use? whats smallest buckets i can use to flower? i remeber...
  15. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    the reason i abandoned the closet was because flowering in there will be a problem. i live alone, so i would rather have the house smelling like pot than the entire block. i had tons of holes cut in it for exhaust and intake ect, but the temps are considerably higher in the closet. i really...
  16. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    awesome reposnse morris! wow ok, i figured my water temps were perfect at 75. how is it possible to even grow hydro if it cant get above 70? i havent ever seen a temp guage on anyones grow below 80 degrees. if thats true i will have no choice but to abandon hydro, because i cant get the house...
  17. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    i cant control the root rot. even in pure distilled water with 6.0 ph their roots are covered in a gel-like substance. i have been adding about 2 tsps of h202 a day in thier 2 gallon bubbler for a week now. thier is no light getting in the bottom whatsoever and the water temp is 75 F. The...
  18. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    thanks for the responses. concerning the breaker box. i bought a small one and put it in there to try and make it as safe as possible. i know the home has its own breaker, but i figured a seperate one for the box sure wouldnt hurt. and about the grounding and colors. i never understood the...
  19. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    how do i go about getting people to actually give feedback? am i not in the right place?
  20. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    the roots are taking forever to regrow and plants are still at a standstill, but alive it seems. should i try to physically remove some of that algae that is still clinging to the roots from before? or would be touching them do more harm than good?