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  1. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    update on the plants: here is some pics. my first crop of 5 plants ALL turned out to be males. i assumed this was from the stress i put them through since it was my first grow. i heard it can make them male from stress. it appears i am screwing up again. what are the chances of having another...
  2. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    update on the plants. the great white is starting to grow again slowly. little one is gonna take some time if it even survives. i going to start sealing up the cab now and working on details. lemme know your thoughts. more pics inc soon.
  3. W

    Plants now growing, yellow leaves with brown spots.

    thanks for the responses. the little one has lost most all of its leaves but its trying to make new roots, barely hanging by a thread. the larger great white seems to be starting to recover and making a new root structure. i expect to see him starting to grow over the next couple of days. take a...
  4. W

    second attempt at grow/room

    hey there guys. i am in the middle of a build/grow and wanted to share my mistakes and hopefully get some feedback. i started building a grow cabinet. i have never had a successful grow before. this is my second attempt. my first started with 12 plants, 7 died and the remaining were ALL...
  5. W

    Plants now growing, yellow leaves with brown spots.

    they are getting worse. more yellowing lower leaves, more brown spots appearing on the tops of the healthiest leaves. and now the larger great white shark has completely stopped growing too. its roots have a gel-like clear goo on them. i have no idea what this means, but it doesnt look good...
  6. W

    Plants now growing, yellow leaves with brown spots.

    60-80% humidty for veg wow. damn how can i possibly get it that high? the highest i have ever seen it was 54%. i guess i could look into a humidifier. but thats not gonna fit well in a box hehe.
  7. W

    Plants now growing, yellow leaves with brown spots.

    ok ill start leaving the water out. what looks like is the problem with them? what can i do? the little one hasnt grown a leaf in weeks, nothing. almost all his leaves are yellow now. what can i do?
  8. W

    Plants now growing, yellow leaves with brown spots.

    thanks for the response! ok, the PH of my solution is a solid 6.0 right now and has been pretty close to that most of the time. something i forgot to mention earlier is we have EXTREMELY hard water where i live. as a novice to this, i really dont know what kinda impacts that has on growing and...
  9. W

    Plants now growing, yellow leaves with brown spots.

    i been mixing in small amounts into thier hydro tubs that are 15 gallon i belive. i cant answer your questions about nutrient lvls since i dont have any way to judge how much they are getting with no meter. i have given them at least a drop in thier since they sprouted first leaves. hydroton...
  10. W

    Plants now growing, yellow leaves with brown spots.

    hi this is my second grow attempt. the last grow all 5 of my bagseed plants turned out to be males. my luck. This is my second attempt, so i purchased the highest quality seeds that i could find. all femenized from greenhouse and the likes. 6 of the seeds i ordered died or didnt germinate i...
  11. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    it wasnt bad, maybey 100 bucks. i spent more than i should have though as i bought the wrong thing more than once. and using cfl lights my electric bill went down massive because i overcompensaded by turning off all the other lights and being sparse with the heater hehe.
  12. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    ya. i have heard a little about screens and methods a little. i am weary to start "pinching" my plants, as i really have no idea what i am doing. and that goes for the screens as well. are these technics worthwhile? if so, whats the most basic way to accoplish it? thanks again.
  13. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    awsome suggestions! definatlly gonna look into attic ventalation and the idea of shaving a little off the door is awsome too. i was thinking though, would it be better to use the attic as an intake rather than an exhaust? i mean with the smell and all. i would rather the smell be stuck...
  14. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    nice nice. ya i was afraid of the hps and MH lights as i thought they would be even hotter than what i am using. and i am still worried about what i am gonna do about the smell and keeping the door closed, temps ect. would it be possible to upgrade my hommade air conditioner enough to allow me...
  15. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    awsome. thanks for the advice. ya i have all sorts of ideas brewing in my head about a ice chest converted into a resiviour for the air conditioner. could maybey hold ice water for a while. those reflectors i used for my clf's are just made out of simple aluminum cans. holes were drilled up...
  16. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    thanks for the advice guys. i have made a couple more vids since i last posted at the changed setup. you can see my new lolfan i converted into a quasi-air conditioner. lemme know what you think and what i could do to make it better. here is a link to my latest vid...
  17. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    im having a problem keeping the tempurature down in my closet. it reaches mid 90's at times after leaving the doors closed for a while. i really dont want to consider knocking a hole in the wall of my house for ventalation, but controlling the heat and humidity is becoming an issue. i have...
  18. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    could use some more feedback please guys. what could make this better? how many plants should i try and grow in my setup?