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  1. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    thanks for the help guys! thats good news about the cfls. i guess i can pick some more up as cash allows. the shelf racks and light setups will allow me to add more very easily
  2. W

    Noobs first time grow. video. comments please!

    hi guys. i am new here, and just starting to become a part of the cannabis culture. this is my first attempted grow, in my closet. the video explains most all that i can think of. please let me know what you think. if it will work and what could be done to make it better, affordably. i am...
  3. W

    Newb starting out. have video

    im starting a small grow room out of my closet. my goal is to have enough to supply myself and friends only. how many should i try and grow in this space? and do growing penalties typically coincide with the number of plants? im sure it will very, but was looking for a general idea of the...