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  1. vapesCHRONICally

    Mainline flower question

    It's been 9 days since the last cut. I'm using the advanced led ds100 and 4x23 watt cfls. Nice grow sunny!!
  2. vapesCHRONICally

    Mainline flower question

    Thank you :) however I was looking for more of an, "all other things equal" answer...
  3. vapesCHRONICally

    Mainline flower question

    Thank you all, in advance!!!
  4. vapesCHRONICally

    Mainline flower question

    Greetings all! So everyone knows that plants can double or triple in height in the first few weeks of flower. My question is, if you are mainlining does the plant double(or triple) in height from the soil level, from the manifold, or neither? I'm mainlining a RQS northern lights fem, what how...
  5. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    P.p.s. The injured one the thread is about is the Wendy one one the bottom right
  6. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    Thanks northern!! Soo refreshing to hear a real world answer. Just as an update here she is today, day 35(from seed)
  7. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    Thanks northern!! Super refreshing to get a clear cut answer on a grow site
  8. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    Also northenhize, that was part of the issue, my first run I snapped a main(of 4) off. It reattached fully with less negative results than this tiny cut. Have you ever heard/seen anything like this?
  9. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    Thank you all!!! The growth tip that deformed is growing, though slowly, may even be catching up a bit. Only thing ive been doing is pushing the mains out so the little one can get light. Seems to be working okay. Thank you for your attention :)
  10. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    Break is just above fingernail, thank you for your time/knowledge/help :)
  11. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    Sorry, I'm high lol it's only a partial break, but within hours of doing it the nearby fan leaf wilted(almost looks burned) and the nearby growth tip looks to be stunted as well. My question is, what effect will this have in the mainlining process? On all the tutorials they stress that symmetry...
  12. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    Sorry, phone is a bit screwy
  13. vapesCHRONICally

    My girl has an owchy

    Hello all, I'm mainlining, and I was trying to train my NL fem and and I partially broke one of the mains, so I taped it up. Fortunately one of arms is good, but the here is the other
  14. vapesCHRONICally


    Can anyone enlighten me, are you supposed to put lights if you germ in rapid rooters?
  15. vapesCHRONICally


    Thank you all, I ended up unearthing on day 5 to find the shell looking...idk..broken or shattered and a sort of dirty white brown looking thing that I suppose was the "seedling". I carefully put it back and chalked it up as a loss :/ if this is the part of growing in bad at, fuck it I'll just...
  16. vapesCHRONICally


    Like really?that much variation? Is there a "standard" time that I can base off of, so that I can know when/if to replace a failed seed? Does it ever pay to "dig up your seed", if so, when?
  17. vapesCHRONICally


    Thank you, friends I will work on my patience. If it's not too much too much to ask, any advice for a 2nd time grower?
  18. vapesCHRONICally


    Other pic
  19. vapesCHRONICally


    Thank you Ovibird, I suspected as much. What would you say would be a "normal" time for a seed to push up through 1/4" of substrate? (Without paper towel method or a personal) I've looked on the web and through the forums and what I've come across says that it should realistically take between...