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  1. Miss.MaryJane

    CFL Stealth/Micro Grow Idea. want opinions.

    i have opening at the back of the box, but no exhaust fans(Cant afford them at the moment)
  2. Miss.MaryJane

    CFL Stealth/Micro Grow Idea. want opinions.

    Thanks do you think tin foil is the reason for my high temp?
  3. Miss.MaryJane

    CFL Stealth/Micro Grow Idea. want opinions.

    my box is around that size, the only problem i have is the heat.
  4. Miss.MaryJane

    Should I top my 7 week old Sativa yet or let it grow?

    I would suggest using the LST method along with FIM/Top. The same thing happened to my plants. You pay want to add more lights or lower your lights to stop the stretch.
  5. Miss.MaryJane

    Should I top my 7 week old Sativa yet or let it grow?

    top it, it looks stretchy.bongsmilie
  6. Miss.MaryJane

    Frist grow, How do they look?

    do you think they may be root bound, should i transplant?
  7. Miss.MaryJane

    Frist grow, How do they look?

    When i put more CFLs in the temperature went up to 40C, its usually around 31-32C
  8. Miss.MaryJane

    Frist grow, How do they look?

    Soilless mix (Pearlite, peat moss, limestone and a wetting agent) Yes, i plan on utilizing the FIM technique, but i have limited space.
  9. Miss.MaryJane

    Frist grow, How do they look?

    Their about 2 months old, i'm using 2 cfls( My HPS Burnt my plants). I'm trying to keep them short.
  10. Miss.MaryJane

    Frist grow, How do they look?

    How do they look?
  11. Miss.MaryJane

    Plants dying help!! First time growers!

    you defiantly need a new grow media
  12. Miss.MaryJane

    Nute problem? Need help :(

    Try flushing it
  13. Miss.MaryJane

    Plants dying help!! First time growers!

    are you growing in sand?
  14. Miss.MaryJane

    Is my seedling doing okay? /:

    Perfectly normal, looks a little yellow is it your lighting in the picture or is your little guy not getting enough light?
  15. Miss.MaryJane

    Plant growing slowly ?

    No problem, good luck on your grow!
  16. Miss.MaryJane

    Plant growing slowly ?

    If your soil is always drenched than yes, plants don't like to be constantly in water. Let your plant dry out almost completely before the next watering. I would shelter your plant during the rain if your media is retaining too much water. Especially since i see that you are using mulch, mulch...
  17. Miss.MaryJane

    Will a stretched seedling stem grow roots?

    thanks this helped a lot
  18. Miss.MaryJane

    Plant growing slowly ?

    Your seedling looks healthy, if its growing slow try moving it where it can get more sun. Also depending on where you live it may be too cold for your baby, considering its almost December. Have you done anything that might have put it into shock?
  19. Miss.MaryJane

    Plant growing slowly ?

    what light and soil are you using?
  20. Miss.MaryJane

    Will a stretched seedling stem grow roots?

    I have 5 seedlings all working on their second or third node. They are all very healthy except for the fact that their stems have stretched longer than I want them too. Due to a limited grow space is it possible to plant them a few inches deeper when transplanting to save grow space. I know if...