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  1. R

    How long is weed good for?

    yea i guess not
  2. R

    Too many, too soon?

    I looked at a dudes ghww grow and he did a whole bunch of work for only about 6 plants so i might just scale the real plants back to 5 dutch passion orange bud fems and another 5 indica, maybe violator kush.... any other suggestions? sorry for the long sentance but im blazed off some shitty weed...
  3. R

    How long is weed good for?

    sweet, so i shouldnt worry about growing too many plants and having that much extra risk with the bud going to waste
  4. R

    How long is weed good for?

    How long can bud be stored before it starts to lose its potency?
  5. R

    Too many, too soon?

    ok thanks, how long can bud be stored before it starts to degrade?
  6. R

    Too many, too soon?

    Im planning on doing about 30 autos outside for some weed to smoke during the summer, and then I think that I will try to do about 7 diff. strains with 5 apiece so around 35 plants. This will be my first grow, and the only reason i want to do so many is that I 1. want a bunch of different kinds...
  7. R

    Lowest thc# that you would plant

    Ok, thanks. Im planning on doing about 30 autos outside for some weed to smoke during the summer, and then I think that I will try to do about 7 diff. strains with 5 apiece so around 35 plants. This will be my first grow, and the only reason i want to do so many is that I 1. want a bunch of...
  8. R

    Lowest thc# that you would plant

    What would be the minimum amount of thc that a strain would consider planting?
  9. R

    Pre-college strain

    dude, i def wont bring anything more than an oz maybe and just store the rest like you said and just have like a weed room that ive got a lot of different strains and flavors and highs to try when i get home.
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    Pre-college strain

    outdoor a few right next to my house and the rest down at my farm in mississippi. I just got a gps that should be in tom so that i can scout my farm and plot a bunch of potential plots. Its goin to be so much fun going and finding the most secluded places on my farm cause they are goin to be in...
  11. R

    Need to leave them from september on. will they survive until harvest?

    how many plants did you have? cause im thinking of doing the same thing next year. What strains were you doing?
  12. R

    Pre-college strain

    What strains would be ready to harvest by mid august or the beginning of september at the latest, because im going to college next year but want to have some home grown bud to take with me as well. Ill be growing in north ms also. Thanks And im also planning on doing some autos as soon...
  13. R

    Auto-Watering soulution

    what is a wicking system? do you think that the plants would survive with only the water provided by the rain or would they die? cause im goin to do some autos and also try some regular plants that i will come and harvest before college starts or come back during a break and get it.
  14. R

    quick finishing Outdoor strain rec

    oh do you think end of march us too early for mississippi?
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    Auto-Watering soulution

    How would you set that up- what materials are needed
  16. R

    quick finishing Outdoor strain rec

    What strain would i need if i were to plant in the middle of march and hope to be finished by the beginning or so of July? Thanks, and im already thinking about autoflowers
  17. R

    Auto-Watering soulution

  18. R

    How many plots?

    really, thats a shit load of money in soil, pots, and the most costly thing- seeds I figure if i get at least 30g a plant thats 1200g or roughly 2 pds a fucking ton of weed That still doesnt even answer my question. how many can be bucnhed together?
  19. R

    Transporting Fresh bud

    Sweet, ive got a truck
  20. R

    How many plots?

    I was thinking of planting around 40 or so autoflowering plants that include- ak47, diesel ryder, white widow, white russian, and ak47xhindu kush. My question is how many different plots do i need? Im going to grow on my farm which has plenty of woods and doesnt get that much foot traffic in the...