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  1. Yow420

    Do NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide

    ok i use h2o2 and find it useful. i use roughly 16 oz upon water change and 4-5 days later the other half of the 32 oz bottle(30 gal cooler) its a bit higher than recomended by others and have no dryness issues. i also have some of the worst water i have read about as far as starting ppm.. and...
  2. Yow420

    5-18 restart

    long time no update.. had a 6-8 hour power outage lost a plant... 3 males and 1 female i notice it is herming. and producing a few baby seeds. every male i pulled had female spots and many many male spots..... this female had 99 pct female with acouple pollen sacs... unfortunately i left town...
  3. Yow420


    lol from my reading u can drown a plant if the rockwool gets too wet and stays that way. for my grow i watered cudes and clay once every otehr day til i seen roots spitting ou tthe bottom. i'm guessing ur water is a bit too high. but it could be stress of a new enviornemnt.. looks liek ur using...
  4. Yow420

    5-18 restart

    did a water change sunday had 3 days ina row of really hot weather. plants some are too dark some are yellowing. i wud post pics but its not a nutrient issue it was def heat. i now have umplimented co2... 2 plants may have died nto sure. i backed the light off 18 more inches and have lowered 2...
  5. Yow420

    5-18 restart

    hey texas man. hope to get something worth my time out of it :) and learn the non soil ways.
  6. Yow420

    5-18 restart

    just changed my water 11 days light is getting in somewhere had so algae. i also opened it a lot at first testing ph. so my issue could of been over worrying. as ph stayed steady for 9 days. last 2 it was rising went from 5.8 to 6.1 added ph down... next day test 6.3 and changed.i also had a...
  7. Yow420

    5-18 restart

    everything been very stable coolers are the shit.
  8. Yow420

    5-18 restart

    and this is what i got so far.
  9. Yow420

    Plant Yield

    yes reading google.... and when confused ask others. i bet your lighting is not the best. you need so many lumens per sq foot you aslo need different kinds of lights for different cycles of the plants growth... whats your setup? that wud help us better help you
  10. Yow420

    If I had a bubbler, whats the bes way to start seeds?

    what was the cannabis cup winner read a thread no one could ge the seeds to spout via ppaer towel. and certain sativas need 90 pct humidity. hard to keep that without a dome. no its not needed most of the time but in rare cases it was. but as far as roots and paper towel. i never personally had...
  11. Yow420

    FIRST GROW BOYS!!! i could really use some help

    also paint ur buckets white. no one mentioned this. helps reflect heat from ur water. instead of bucket absorbing it.. will save many root problems down the road also u cud use coolers which is even better than painting.
  12. Yow420

    Blocking Air Manifold Holes?

    i think u read water backing up into pumps is bad.. and it is. but yeah the one hose connecting both is cool. u could also T lines together too probably. aka make 2 lines into one
  13. Yow420

    help with knowledge for hydro

    well hmm. lgihting the most important part. get a good light.. if u live someplace warm use coolers to grow from not paint buckets. general hydro has some easy to use nutes basically u need nutes water with air in it and light and growing bucket. so here is the list 1. light 2. bucket to...
  14. Yow420

    DWC problem

    general hydroponic nutes tend to stain roots. try posting us a pic. are your roots slimey. can u easily wipe teh tan off.. might be the brown slime but without a pic hard to give honest advice.
  15. Yow420

    Hydro in the summer - bad idea?

    use coolers to grow in not paint buckets. then the ice in bucket make a bigger difference? and as far as indiana goes. it hit 100 a few times last summer. indiana weather is hard if nto impossible to predict. but yeah for summers and winters coolers the best. during summer hold out heat during...
  16. Yow420

    If I had a bubbler, whats the bes way to start seeds?

    me personally i soak them in a shot glas until they sink in dark. sinking assures they are full of water. yes i transfer to rockwool. but i might try the perlite. roots can get damaged badly being removed from paper towel. and if u order seeds seems wasteful. after soaking i throw in rockwool...
  17. Yow420

    Can you use soil in netting pots instead of clay pellets?

    the clay is used cuz it doesn't trap near as much water as soil. your liable to drown your plant.. your reservoir will be dirty as hell with soil falling through. i'm not gonna say its impossible.. but i would strongly recommend not using soil in a hydro grow
  18. Yow420

    5-18 restart

    seeds all filled with water and transferred to wool. under a lil shop light for a few mre days. couple are starting to sprout :)
  19. Yow420

    5-18 restart

    seeds in a shot glass filling with water. grow room completely wiped down with bleach water. cooler came in its cleaning as well as stones ect... should be better now :) scrapped that for colder cooler. seems a must in...
  20. Yow420

    5-1 bag seed grow log

    i could fiht it but less than 3 weeks in not worth the lost yield.