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  1. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Always trust your gut and intuition on religion imo. Nothing is true just becuase someone says it is, think objectively. Im not religious at all personally. I enjoy learning about them though, facinating stuff. As they say, history is key to understnding our future
  2. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    "the product would exit the market" huh? Can't imagine what that analogy means. Way to " turn the other cheek" And given your brilliant circular logic im sure you making the analogy was in no way you stating an opinion as to what that anology infers....i must be assuming again
  3. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Thx captain obvious
  4. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I agree. But can you say that people are attracted to violence through a teaching alone? Or do you think its the life that is led that does so? You think folks with a good education, job, home and family want to strap a bomb to their chest to kill strangers? That wasnt what i found in the...
  5. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    As i said before...christianity came about around 300A.D. thats when the first gospels started circulation. Until then the followers of christ were considered a Judaic Cult The old testiment (adam and eve) is from jewish tradition. While some is included in christianity they rely on the new...
  6. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    So you're not a racist...just a coward then I lived and served in the middle east as an american jew. I know more about needing to be "safe" in this context then you ever will. What's your experience based on? other then passages in text of course?
  7. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    so in your opinion wouldn't that be evidence for the argument that extremism is more of a education, economic and political issue then 1 based on religion? In my experience people are less prone to violence when their basic needs are met.
  8. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Yeah...the "influence" you were talking about was probably that the teching made all Muslims really tolerant kind hearted people. Keep playing semantics if you like.:roll:
  9. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    If your talking to me. I agree but Thats Not the point. He's been claiming since this started that this was a literal difference being pointed out with no "opinion or belief behind it" clearly that's not true. Now that he has admitted as much, the burden of proof that Muslim extremism is a...
  10. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Well...I guess not technically.....but with all those puritans running around how would you have been able to tell the difference? Oh I don't far as popes go this ones seems to be walking his talk pretty well
  11. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    So you are in fact FINALLY admitting that you DO believe these writing have made Muslims more violent and that's the comparison you were making?
  12. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Well uncleben is right about 1 thing... Government started as religion. And these days I like the pope better then most any politician....who thought that would happen?
  13. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I can make the statement that you don't understand how a circular argument works. Then someone else can point to YOUR circular argument as "proof" that you DO know how a circular argument works. Does this prove you understand what a circular argument is? No It just proves that the argument...
  14. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump your contribution was literally that cats aren't it. Well my apologies for mistake....:roll:
  15. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    No, were going on about you expressing a sentiment that isn't true and your inability to show proof of the implications of a comparison you've made. Other then the literal words you referenced to make it. So yes these words are a physical thing on paper that preach parallel things, that is...
  16. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    you too man
  17. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    are you saying you've figured them all out?
  18. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    "Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into the ditch" (Matthew 15:14).
  19. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    TAUTOLOGY: (a sub-category of circular argument) defining terms or qualifying an argument in such a way that it would be impossible to disprove the argument. Often, the rationale for the argument is merely a restatement of the conclusion in different words. everyone agrees...he said what?
  20. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Are you trying to save them? well for all those jesus folk in the room I might remind them 2 Timothy 2:14-26 14Keep reminding God’s people of these things.Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15Do your best to present...