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  1. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    I have some lost coast and Purecrop1, I think both of them have citric acid in there. I'll give it a shot
  2. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    Going to try that, thanks The 650r produces that much heat?
  3. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    Asked a friend of mine and they said this would fix it if it was a Russet mite issues, figured it'll be out of it's system in 60+ days
  4. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    Temps 76f Rh about 50-55%
  5. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    Indoor vegged under 600w MH lights about 24 inches from the tops
  6. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    What else would cause that kind of curl from your experience?
  7. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    I can't think of anything else that would cause that kind of leaf curl I sprayed some Pylon that a friend let me use on there 3 days ago...but I don't think that would cause that
  8. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    I don't see spots either but the thing that worries me most is the leaf curling...I don't know what else causes that kind of curl
  9. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    I dont think Russets leave spots though...I'd have to check with scope still but I'd probably spray and cut that part off for now
  10. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    Yeah I was thinking that too from the internet searches I've been doing since yesterday Shut me down 6 months ago, cleaned my area and left it empty for 6 months too :cuss:
  11. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    Kind of caught me off guard it started happening in a day or two Tropicana Cherry Rockwool Vegging under MH 600W at the moment GH Trio nutes
  12. Steve Phan

    Possibly Mites? Need opinions

    Can anybody confirm that this looks like mites? I know I might need a scope but this literally happened in 2 days....any help/advice would be great. Edit: Thanks in advance, this forum is lot more active than THCfarmer lol
  13. Steve Phan

    Running my first sulfur burn tonight to kill broad mites

    Noticed it's been a few months....Did the Sulfur Burning ending up helping with Broad mites?
  14. Steve Phan

    Male marijuana problem

    100% Mite damage
  15. Steve Phan

    Clawing leaves

    Sounds like you have past experience with these little shits
  16. Steve Phan

    Welp, possible Russet Mites?

    Did you ever find out what the problem was?
  17. Steve Phan

    Russet mites in flower Try this
  18. Steve Phan

    Plants wilting under new LED's

    I noticed that too, it looks like that is the common issue throwing them under an LED coming from a T5 or other light source
  19. Steve Phan

    Russet mites?

    Would Grandevo take the out completely?
  20. Steve Phan

    Kontos, the real deal or another expensive doodad?

    How did it turn out for you?