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  1. M

    Quick question

    I have 2 plants in dwc. The leaves are starting to wilt and the roots are starting to brown. Is there a liquid version of recharge. Or any other suggestions would be great. Thanks
  2. M

    Quick question

    Words of a wise man!!!
  3. M

    Quick question

    I literally find myself reading all day. Even at work. Its just some contradict each other so info from actual conversations seems to be the way I wanna go.
  4. M

    Quick question

    I apologize if I'm asking too many questions. But there's a fine line between over feeding and under feeding right. And I can look at the leaves. What exactly am I looking for
  5. M

    Quick question

    So I happen to have the same nutes already because I have 2 plants in the dwc setup and am feeding it those nutes. So regardless of the soil....get the soil with minimal nutes so I can add them myself amd not overfeeding right
  6. M

    Quick question

    Oh ok. So which nutes would you recommend I use with it.
  7. M

    Quick question

    Thanks bro. Like I explained in the previous posts...I feel like I'm overwatering the plants. According to the fox farms feeding chart im supposed to feed twice a week. But I'm not really sure about the qty of juice to give. What do you recommend from veg to flower. I also give terpinator and...
  8. M

    Quick question

    Good morning everyone. So I pulled the trigger on the SZXLUX 40000W as recommended. I needed something asap and this was what I can afford. Arrives Friday. Unfortunately thats the earliest. So thanks for the help. Hope you guys don't mind me hitting you up when I get to other issues I may have.
  9. M

    Quick question

    Thats the goal. I thought it would be easier. But there is a lot to it. But with the help of everyone myself and others will be ok.
  10. M

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    It's like that sometimes. But the adventure is awsome bro. I'm enjoying the ups and downs so far
  11. M

    Quick question

    Yeah they advertise it as one thing then ends up being something else. My fault tho. I should have done my homework then made the decision but I was in a rush to get things rolling. Live and learn!
  12. M

    Quick question

    I get it gents. Its actually a hobby for me but my wife is the one who smokes. I can't because of my job. But that being said I want whats good. I still want to put out the best product I can and maybe eventually master it. I appreciate all the recommendations and input from everyone. I may have...
  13. M

    Quick question

    Well explained my friend. I'm in California. So everything here is expensive. But I get what your saying. I was thinking about getting 1 light and putting the 3 i have all in 1 tent. Until I get the lights that are right. Thank you for the help.
  14. M

    Quick question

    Yeah thats way out of the ballpark. Atleast right now. I might try the last one you sent me because of the coverage size.
  15. M

    Quick question

    So even tho it doesn't have the Samsung leds this will be sufficient and bright enough for my 4 by 4 tent. Your absolutely correct. I have no clue about whats good and whats not. And def on a budget right now.
  16. M

    Quick question

    Yeah you clearly know your stuff and any info helps. I'll check out the ones you sent. Thank you
  17. M

    Quick question

    Whats your opinion on this light
  18. M

    Quick question

    Bro. By trade im a electrician. I have these 120v 300w flat panel leds that I mount at my rock plants. Bright as hell with no fans tho. I'm about to mount one of those!
  19. M

    Quick question

    Got it. Thank you bro...