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  1. M

    Some questions about seedlings/seedling stage

    yes, I'll be using peat pellets. thank you for your help
  2. M

    Some questions about seedlings/seedling stage

    so it sounds close to my first grow (a clone); size and no# of nodes. and similar to when I first saw rootlet growing. It would be in a peat pellet, so probably a few roots showing outside the peat? I thought the heat directed on it would but its hard to know without trying. The r/o humidity...
  3. M

    Some questions about seedlings/seedling stage

    I'm getting ready for a grow. I already tried one as a clone but there are new questions and some things I hadn't done with the clone vs. seeds. First, when do I start adjusting ph? I've heard posts, and peticularly some videos/guides saying they used distilled water for popping the seeds...
  4. M

    Learning from my mistakes. Little R&D before my second attempt

    I spoke to someone at GE and picked up the BioThrive lineup (grow, camg+, weed, bud) at the local shop. I'm picking up bloom and root before weekend. I don't think they'll be the same kind of issues as last time.... As long as the ph doesn't spike. I also have peat, perlite, dolomite. So I think...
  5. M

    Learning from my mistakes. Little R&D before my second attempt

    Since I had to let the white russian go I'm doing some homework and window shopping for best way to start. I have problems getting some items, and confused on others. I was hoping for some advice or clarification(s). Currently doing some trim work on my box, and setting up something for...
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    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    Something I never wanted to say. I let the poor girl have a proper burial. She just never full recovered from whatever condition she had. The last few days she had more blue-ish discoloration and some other leaves were looking bad. I thought instead of keep doing it wrong I'd start again...
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    Blue-ish / Purple-ing of leave tips and downward curling - White Russian - CFL

    I have some fairly bad news, and this thread here will need to be closed. Those wondering what happened please look up my nickname here or white Russian cfl 2010. I think for every single email, msg and post for help. I hope you'll still be here when I have questions. You all have been...
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    questions about outdoor/guerilla grow in canada?

    I found a small pouch at the store I found dolomite. It might take a few of them but depends how many plants I stick in grown. I think I saw american pride at the hydro store... But I will look around, there's definitely time for it. I'm reading a few threads around and totally shocked at the...
  9. M

    Brewer's yeast CO2 generator

    I assume this type of small system isn't large enough to be toxic to humans? i'm using a rubbermaid box. And something on this scale would be a great way to test if it works. I could try this after my current grow. I think however any little bit helps, as long as cost overweights it
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    questions about outdoor/guerilla grow in canada?

    First off. Let me thank you for the thourough answers. It sounds like I need anything with a short life cycle. Not necessarily a type of strain like sativa or auto. I have a few freebies as well as bought. That is sound advice though. Keep redundancy but keep price down in case of problems like...
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    questions about outdoor/guerilla grow in canada?

    I'm curious about outdoor growing. I am currently growing indoors but considering at least scouting an area for a guerilla grow. Like the indoor grow I'm in information gathering mode, trying to soak up whatever I can. Ask some questions and read/watch any guides, howto's or videos I can find...
  12. M

    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    its a bit frankenstein but it works fairly efficiently as far as airflow, lights, etc.. There is some peat near the stem, I had moved it sufficiently that some got ontop of the rockwool. I haven't seen any mold or such so far. I usually give it a good feeding, waiting for a good amount of...
  13. M

    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    Some have asked for pics... And yes its been a while. Just fyi for newcommers to the thread she's currently in the "infirmiry/sick plant" section of forum. She has a few days before soil is dry enough to continue the watering cycle. I will give her some h2o then and let her soak up the access...
  14. M

    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    I posted some pics in the sick plant section but I'll re-link them here tomorrow. I definitely agree. I probably need some cal/mag. I heard epsom salts can work for mag or blackstray molasses for either. Kinda wish I had better soil to, but will next time. I hate spiders or I wouldn't mind too...
  15. M

    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    water basically every week. Typically looking for drooping or yellowing. I resist the urge todo that (usually on 4-5 day) and wait two more to let her dry more. Its usually a cup of water/fert mix using well water. I can try lowering the ph a bit more. It was 6.5 or so at first... I'll see what...
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    Blue-ish / Purple-ing of leave tips and downward curling - White Russian - CFL

    yeah. seems like a good idea since the soil definitely isn't "optimal". I think between the soil and fert its probably not getting all nutrients. Although, admitedly, its probably 99% soil's fault thanks
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    Blue-ish / Purple-ing of leave tips and downward curling - White Russian - CFL

    I want it said that originally I ph'd to 6.8ph, and then closer 6.5ph and had yellowing, curling and this issue started (at least with the clipped leaf [last picture]) while it was at 6.5ph. It could be because soil, and I do know I should start with better one next time. Its a simple peatmoss...
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    Blue-ish / Purple-ing of leave tips and downward curling - White Russian - CFL

    I'm sorry to post here again, I'm definitely having some problems with the gardening side of things. I wish I didn't have to but I can't narrow it down. And one solution asked what ppm was in solution... And well, thats impossible right now. It doesn't appear to be same issue as yellowing but...
  19. M

    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    maybee that explains why things are going kinda bad. I do keep a probe nearby the plant to keep an eye out for what the thermostat sees and closer to the plant, and dead center of growbox. I'm sorry to be posting again, I sound like a hypocondriac and feeling kinda blue myself because If there...
  20. M

    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    ahh. I see. I makes sense. A few limbs I've clipped had "died" and fallen off. I will send you some pictures of setup and my girl later today. I think its thirst or something. I do not have a dehumidifier (plugged in) but I do have an air conditioner and a cool mist humidifier to control...