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  1. G

    Is my plant way too small for being 2 weeks old?

    They all grow at diffeent sizes. I have a 1 month plant that is as tall as my 6 week plants. looking healthy I woldnt be worried Once they start branching out and leafing at many spots it will take off. Keep us posted
  2. G

    real newb,is this a pot plant?

    Bob we have all been there, Few summes ago I was back in my woods thinkng every little seedling near my grow was my plant. Let me just tell you this, You WILL know when you have a pot plant. Such a sexy sight
  3. G

    Questions about my babies Help BEFORE I GET POLLEN

    Thanks guys you answered my questions great. Since a couple of my plants are a few weeks behind the others ill prolly veg for a few more weeks and throw it into flower!
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    Questions about my babies Help BEFORE I GET POLLEN

    So if My plant is 6 weeks and one of them is a male then all the other plants will prolly be hermis?
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    Flowering question

    MY plants are getting about 5 weeks ish, and they are still rather small. Maybe a foot high but have decent healthy leaves. Will the plant contiune to grow when I introduce flowering light cycle? Or will it simply stay a small plant and grow one big bud? Any response is helpful
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    cfl light question.

    you could veg a plant off 3 of them for a while. They are about 25 Watt/100 W replacement. Use 2700K for vegging
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    Questions about my babies Help BEFORE I GET POLLEN

    I got a couple plants in the grow room who are all a couple weeks apart. I have 2 3 week ish old plants who were super small and stressed and I put them in and fishtank set up at three weeks. At that time I planted a few new plants who are doing great. The new plants are about 3 weeks old...
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    Musics Effect on growing plants?!

    haha exactly, Wether it really helps them or not, Love is love! Im always playing music in my room anyway so I misewell let the plants in on some tunes! I even started playing guitar to them today
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    Musics Effect on growing plants?!

    I know Its a long shot, and I know its a superstision but I have been seeing stuff online/tv (Mythbusters, Weird or Wha) saying that there is a possible link between plants and music. Maybe its simply from the vibrations given off from the music but Today I rigged up hanging computer speakers...
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    CFL Growing Costs

    Closet Grow pics. This is the temperary light I suppose it serves the purpose. Its not a pretty grow room but its a budgeted effective one. I highly reccomend the light plug in adapters from walmart for like a dollar, with some power strips, extension cords outlet splitters and light socket...
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    CFL Growing Costs

    Funny you guys bring up organization, I have two powerstrips in my closet and the wires are going everywhere. My light FOR NOW is esentiall a power strip with socket adapters. Once the plants get a tad bigger im getting a couple extension cords to hang them up. But As for the power strip it...
  12. G

    CFL Growing Costs

    That sounds like its about perfect Phish. Just went to walmart today picked up a timer, and a bunch more cfl's and stuff. Built a little grow light and all together now 2x13 W 6500K 3x26 W 6500K 2x26 W 2500K Total of 156 CFL Watts Hopefully the girls like this!
  13. G

    CFL Growing Costs

    Haha PhishJoy thats hilarious, Hey Im buying a bunch of CFL's adaptors and indoor growin supplies. My Walmart only had 3 left and I bought all threee they must be selling well. How exactly does the fixture exchange program work? Cransi Your explanation of light spec sounds point on acurate...
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    CFL Growing Costs

    Husalife , You bring up a great point I never would have thought of. So after my first grow or so I can replace ALL the bulbs in my house to already used CFL's and hopefully cut down some energy bill to throw another fan or two in the room. And SmokenDude thats also a great point, Because...
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    CFL Growing Costs

    So Dsnutts you reccomend some good ol 42 watters? I havnt gone out and bought any yet but im getting ready too. Thanks for all the feedback guys, Hell why not buy them all now and use the 2700K in my house untill flowering to save some energy anyway. Thanks again for all your guys help
  16. G

    3weeks plant growing slow, Pics inside.

    Im no help at all A first time indoor grower, but I have similar aged plants, with similar size results. In my very un professional opinion it looks like maybe a little nitrogen couldnt hurt? Good luck with the grow, keep us posted
  17. G

    CFL Growing Costs

    awesome feedback guys, I guess that means Im off to buy 2 1oo watters and a bunch more smaller ones as well. I already have one 2500K it was given to me, And ill buy all brighter lights (6500)s for vegging. Reccomend I throw the one 2500K in with all the 6500Ks for vegging or just save that...
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    CFL Growing Costs

    This will be my first indoor grow and I realize i need some more lights. I have 2 25 watt cfls one 6500 one 2500 and I realize for veggin they need 6500. Im going to buy a couple more, but how many for say a 3,4 plat set up? Maybe 5 CFLs all together? each 25 watt? or as many watt as i can...
  19. G

    First grow, Veg stage yellowing

    Im afraid that nearly 10 hours after the tonic water plants are still dying one by one. Ive come to the conclusion to pull them from the water and put them in soil if tomorrow morning if they dont perk up a bit. Have a handful of seedlings looking alright. How frustrating!
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    First grow, Veg stage yellowing

    Thanks cali, Thats what Ill do. Crazze I totally understand thats why it could be fun for me to do both! And as I see from your grow log your pretty good at it! healthy healthy girls you got there! Congrats