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  1. J

    girl guide cookies. 28g bud + 2 cans butane = 8.4g golden oil return. 30% return

    yup greenhouse seeds suck.. there clones they use.. great shit.. but they make fem beans so no1 can breed with the males.. they know what they are doing.. if they patented there genetics.. they could later on down the line.. claim all the weed in every country that they gave the people seeds...
  2. J

    got jacked

    and I was talking ray rice.. that chick hit him over and over.. and he dropped her.. and the lil bitch wants to act like she didn't do a thing wrong? are u kidding me.. shit like that.. a women picked a fight with a friend of mine.. girl was atleast 6 feet 240 pounds.. and she punched him in the...
  3. J

    got jacked

    hahaha/ toorop your a funny one.. my typing skills.. this is a WEED WEBSITE .. not fucking Wikipedia.. haha. ur a fucking loser.. grow some decent bud or shut the fuck up. Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political...
  4. J

    How to open a dispensary – Legally

    too LATE BRO... most states make you have atleast 500 grand in escrow.. atleast.. and it all has to be legal money obv... theres hundreds of hoops to jump threw.. go on norml and figure it out.. no1 cares here lol.. no1 on this site has half a million to open a business that will eventually get...
  5. J

    WTF is cloudflare? RIU off-line

    i think any weed website that allows you to log in with your twitter or facebook.. are just here to monitor US.. and basically we INFORM on OURSELVES.
  6. J

    girl guide cookies. 28g bud + 2 cans butane = 8.4g golden oil return. 30% return

    but people need to realize also. that every grower is going to have different results.. even with the same temps humidity.. nutes and clones.. something will be different.. growing buds is fun. but its deff work.. especially trimming.. and making bho.. but big yields that these guys brag...
  7. J

    Can't get my Oil into Wax

    ronsons super clean actually.. and alot of butane companies are starting to do the same fucking thing now..
  8. J

    girl guide cookies. 28g bud + 2 cans butane = 8.4g golden oil return. 30% return

    nah im up north in the northeast.. i havent seen high numbers i believe because ive yet to do a entire COLA RUN.. or plant run.. i usually just take the stuff that i dont feel like trimming smaller buds.. or just pain in the ass strains.. but i will keep saying it.. i have yet to run all the...
  9. J

    mystery strain just received some new clones with dw/cp on tag in cube all i know is its a new stra

    could be DayWrecker x Cherry Pie.. or Dawg Walker x Cherry Pie.. i think Dawg Walker.. only because.. dawg walker og was a closely held cut for a bit...
  10. J

    girl guide cookies. 28g bud + 2 cans butane = 8.4g golden oil return. 30% return

    yes anything above 20% . is full of waxes usually.. honestly.. ive never seen a strain come out after winterized over 20%.. never. but then again.. i have yet to run lots of nug runs.. only like 10-20.. and it was never with the best of the best either..
  11. J

    Puretane vs Power 5X

    yes.. i did this.. just i really hate walking around with my camera lol.. did it with capital butane.. and pure tane.. vs power5x and whip it 5x .. capital and pure were both a little darker... and the whip it was a little lighter then the pure and capital.. and the power5x was the...
  12. J

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    those were all transplanted that day.. and when i sog. i do veg. 7-20 days.. depending on the strain. but most of the strains i had at that time . 4 were tall. 4 short.. it worked out perfectly.. i lollipopped.. and staked them as close together as i possibly could.. had to install 3 extra wall...
  13. J

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    and this is 1000w with 11 x 10.. had to take plants out of the room to WATER. not for the SOG. this is just showing. u can fit alot more then u believe UNDER A 1000w in a 5x5 and if this was for the SOG.. there would of been 2 clones per .. so . 220 plants could DEFF fit under 1000.. and the...
  14. J

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    i did a SOG.. my first few years into growing.. had to turn my 5x5 veg room into a cloning room for SOG. to get enough clones to fill the room to the brim. at that time. i fucking rigged up a death trap.. lol.. but since then this has changed . alot.. i still use those shelving units.. but at...
  15. J

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    1 gallon square grow bags.. squeezed together.. in a 10x8 room with only 2000 watts. in a 60inch cooltube with a huge wing.. had the taller plants on the outside.. smallers underneath.. 2 clones per bag.. lol.. and look who chimes in.. we can all call bullshit.. anyone who has done it knows it...
  16. J

    Is 85 degrees dangerous in flowering?

    ive noticed.. faster flowering if i can keep it 78-80 during lights on.. and 72-76 lights off temps.. had faster finishing then my winter grow that stays more like 76 lights on.. 68 lights off.
  17. J

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    lol.. SOG was my best runs. not vert tho.. never tried a vert sog.. no reason too.. sog is a horizontal grow style lol.. but i had over 400 clones in 1 gallon grow bags.. and i got 2923 grams off 2 1000s.
  18. J


    loving the vert mover.. i converted my lightrail 3.5 into a vert mover for 2 bulbs one on each side.. works lovely.. when i reset up my indoor room im a set it up again.. but as of now. my indoors is partnered up with a few patients as i lost my grow spot due to a family issue. and for vert...
  19. J


    ya id say get a lawyer only because your are considered a DRUG DEALER . not some small time mom and pop grow that got busted up.. that was supplying 10 poeple there smoke year round lol. over 1000 plants and 60 lbs .. is bigger then most.. so ya the DEA is going to fuck him.. good luck. hope all...
  20. J

    Weed left on the table and smell possesion

    yes.. grab yourself something to stash all your shit in.or have something to block the view of your stash from the door just incase this happens and its police at the door.. but yes.. HEARSAY doesnt hold up much.. it can start an investigation into it.. but they cannot just come and kick your...