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  1. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    To put an end to all the bullsheit you are right he has some other mushy's in there that are not Liberty's and i had never said other wise and i think we both just mis-understood eachother's concept of what we were really trying to convey and perceive and say ... so... leave it at that, i can...
  2. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    It says "in his first pic in hands" "NOT in HIS hands" ...Homer!
  3. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    Seriously.... that guy is a fucking KNOB. Anyway here's to youbongsmilieto finding the dankest mushy's around :peace: :peace: :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
  4. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    So it looks similar in colour to the liberty cap while wet, non the less it still looks similar to some degree to the liberty cap blah blah blah. Also who the hell said the hands pic was NOT off the web numdnutz, and people not like you are why people like me mess with you cause your a jackass...
  5. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    So in other words the Panaeolus rickenii does look like the liberty cap, but then some times not? depending if it's wet or dry... the only thing im gonna include is that from the three mushroom species listed, wet, cold, dry, damp, night, day out of every scenario you could possibly think of...
  6. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    The only mushroom that above mentioned that even remotly looks like a Liberty cap is the Panaeolus rickenii Panaeolus rickenii location: Europeedibility: Ediblefungus colour: Brown, Grey to beigenormal size: Less than 5cmcap type: Conical or nearly sostem type: Stem much longer...
  7. Buddy Poterson

    From Seed to Flower in less than a day

    After many hours of anxiety over my plants, hoping to speed the process along so I can just get to the harvesting part, I've finally developed a fool-proof plan to harvest a marijuana seed in under a day. It would take a little bit of do-it-yourself knowledge and maybe a complete mastery of...
  8. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...
  9. Buddy Poterson

    Long live foreign girls!

    People #1 of the Women gender #2 from the states are a bit more clingy, high maintenance, and demanding then foreign women. I think i would see a lot of people agree on this issue.
  10. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    OOOpppss here it is
  11. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    Here is a good vid that shows detail of the shrooms to compare them to and also the music is hella trippy and i know i'm not trippin' but it looks like on the 58 sec of video there is acartoon cat lookin' figure that a appears as a weird looking shadow or sumtin' on the right side
  12. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    Liberty Cap - Psilocybe semilanceata - Fungi
  13. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    OoOoOoOoOo... and the best way to experience these is to boil them strain the shrooms and drink it as tea add some suga or whatever to your liking for taste cause they literally taste like cow shit!
  14. Buddy Poterson

    Going to a shroom hunt today...

    If these are the Liberty Capps your after all you half to do to find out if it is a true Liberty Cap is just take the shroom and tear it ever so gently and there should be a film like layer that separates from the cap when tearing the gills apart. Happy Triiippin'
  15. Buddy Poterson

    Repotting Accident, what to do?

    Make sure you give it some SUPERTHRIVE that stuff is a savior when it comes to transplanting mistakes
  16. Buddy Poterson

    Pray for Jack Herer.. hes Ina coma

    IN LOVING MEMORY OF JACK HERER! WHO DIED SEPT 18TH 2009 19 Sep 2009 | Permalink | 2 comments According to a source close to the family, Jack Herer, much beloved Emperor of Hemp, is dead. The marijuana hero collapsed backstage on Saturday, September...
  17. Buddy Poterson

    New 400 watt HPS bulb shows green tint and is very noisey

    let it warm up a bit, sometimes they take 2-3 min to warm up turning different colors. Dont do this tho as im not exactly sure of the problem and do not want your house to burn down