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  1. fn217

    DE vs Vero29

    Well, think of it like this. The plant is on overdrive with CO2, and as long as everything is perfectly dialed in, you will be able to extract the maximum potential from your cultivars/genetics. Take the dialed in environment you currently have with high lighting and add CO2 and get it all...
  2. fn217

    DE vs Vero29

    Hey, I'm definitely not knocking the LED yields... you are talking to an LED guy here... Carbon is a fundamental requirement of your plants. To say it isn't useful, even in a dialed in environment, is just being silly. Sure, you can yield without CO2. You WILL yield more, given that your...
  3. fn217

    DE vs Vero29

    I think with enriched CO2 levels you both would be able to extract much more out of your lighting, and perhaps be able to provide your plants with higher than 900 PPFD and see a radical response. As for the topic on the thread, the market is certainly waiting (as am I, personally) for an LED...
  4. fn217

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    If they can provide high enough efficiency with the same or higher PAR output with reduced bulb wear on top of it, then yes, absolutely they will be. That being said, if they can't put out the same PPF as a Philips DE HPS 1000w bulb in a Gavita, then no, they simply won't be adopted by...
  5. fn217

    1st indoor

    Well, I have never grown in a tent, and I only use large capacity dehumidifiers. I usually don't run them or run them only minimally at lights on because they do produce a lot of heat. I would imagine in an enclosed space, it would help a lot. I thought this might help: Good tips that I forgot...
  6. fn217

    1st indoor

    Oh man! Dude (assuming) that will kill your plants. You need to get temps up fast. What's your humidity like? Maybe you can slow your intake fan a bit and bring in less air, although with such cold intakes honestly man you may need to add a space heater. I wish I had those problems! In later...
  7. fn217

    What is the lux reading (using Handphone app) of your lighting?

    Lux meters won't show the lumen rating in a proper DE room... it is simply too much photon flux for a cheap lux meter to read.
  8. fn217

    1st indoor

    Ideally, you will want a 10 degree difference between day and night temperatures. I noticed increased growth rates with higher night time temps. Your cookies looks like it's having a fit over something (cookies likes to do that). Make sure to be testing your runoff for pH and PPM's.
  9. fn217

    8-12k CMH medicinal grow

    What is your pH, PPM's, of your runoff?
  10. fn217

    Power Consumption / Light Cost

    Great tool. Thank you for the work.
  11. fn217

    Thoughts on my new vertical scrog setup (108 lights).

    I just wanted to add an aside... it sounds like you have done extensive research and are jumping right in. That path is familiar to me, and I know it can be done. That being said, in my experience having that much to manage with only theory and no hands on experience will be extremely...
  12. fn217

    Thoughts on my new vertical scrog setup (108 lights).

    Hire someone before you run out of money from failed crops. Growing cannabis is very difficult if not impossible to do at that scale with no experience.
  13. fn217

    Which is the best HPS DE combo?

    Do you have any data for this? I've read tons of conflicting info on the internet, with no one posting real data/proof of wattage dimming contributing to spectral shift, or not.
  14. fn217

    Which is the best HPS DE combo?

    Quantum board based HLG550 for $1K. Pumping out 1400ppfd. Mounted at the right distance, it will be blasting out the same photo level as a Gavita. CREE's study compared a discrete diode based LED fixture with a Gavita in an integrated sphere. The CREE fixture crushed it with half the wattage...
  15. fn217

    Which is the best HPS DE combo?

    Yes, that is actually why digital ballasts are adjustable... they really shouldn't be used to dim a 1000w bulb down, but rather to use native lower wattage bulbs. The adjustawings are perfectly fine for getting DE light with low cost of entry, however they probably should only be used when...
  16. fn217

    Which is the best HPS DE combo?

    Right. I forgot to mention about the Solis-Tek. They have a number of safety features built in to them, and are a true digital ballast.
  17. fn217

    A Tale of two Thais and G13

    Beautiful setup. So sterile and clean looking!
  18. fn217

    Which is the best HPS DE combo?

    Check out Solistek. The products are pretty amazing. I love my ballasts, and if I did everything over again I'd get their all in one fixtures. Great light spread, cheaper than Gavita, great warranty and company to deal with. They mount their ballasts horizontally, which can be a lifesaver if...
  19. fn217

    Leaf Edges Discoloration? Deficiency, Genetics or Bleaching

    For CalMag, I really like Botanicare's product in that it includes iron. And here are some great nutrients for bloom: Base bloom nutrient...
  20. fn217

    12 12 when to count

    I start counting the day after I switch to 12/12. Usually strains are rated in days of flower from when 12/12 starts.