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  1. J

    Hermie troubles

    I have 40 plants that are 5 weeks into flower most of them have budded nicely but I’ve noticed some of them are starting to grow seeds. And some of them haven’t budded nicely at all so I’ve got rid of them. I had this problem last time I’m not sure why they have hermied I’m guessing heat and...
  2. J

    Possible hermie?

    I’ve had them a while. I think I get rid and they come back, basically they got bad on the last one towards the end. But I add new plants to the flower room every 4 weeks so I get a harvest every month or so. And I think the last hermie lot must have pollinated the new ones. You think I shoukd...
  3. J

    Possible hermie?

    I got predators and it sorted the thrips.. although damage already done I think.
  4. J

    Possible hermie?

    So my last grow they went hermie on me and had seeds etc the smoke turned out not too bad in the end. I think they stressed from thrips as had a bad infestation. Had some new ones in there with the last grow and they look like as seen in the pic. Premature orange hairs etc and one of them had...
  5. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    True I hope not apparently doesn’t look like damping off tho
  6. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    The soil is fine it’s not hot at all
  7. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    Yea they weren’t rotten, I honestly think I haven’t watered enough and not high enough RH
  8. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    I’m pretty adamant temp is not the issue maybe deficient then! Mixed with low rh maybe. I’m glad it’s not damping off
  9. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    That’s what I was doing before but thinking it was damping off I switched to watering a little bit daily.
  10. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    Yea man I really don’t though I literally drip it out a small hole in a bottle lid. Especially thinking it’s damping off I’ve been careful to not water too much. What do you make of the last pic I posted? There’s no skinny stalk at the bottom ?
  11. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    Literally drops daily.. I put a hole in a bottle lid and drip over it I don’t go mad with it. The soil is dry when I water it.
  12. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    They were dry I’ve literally just watered them I didn’t saturate it. And the temp is down because the door is open it’s usually around 25/26
  13. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    For I’ve put a tray off water in there and put a dome with big holes in it to push the RH up
  14. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    It’s like 7000 lux though bro and they aren’t stretching?
  15. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    Maybe I will switch to coco
  16. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    You think it’s damping off?
  17. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    They already were stood up they fell over after. When it first happened ti me I had a dome over them and it happened. i certainly haven’t been overdoing the watering as I keep thinking it’s damping off!
  18. J

    Damping off possible problems!

    Man maybe not damping off then. Do seedlings fall over though when they are thirsty or perspiring too much? I thought they just dry up