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  1. Fast dog

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Is this sarious please someone
  2. Fast dog

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Need help guys what's happening here to my seedling the rest are very green and healthy
  3. Fast dog

    My first grow

    They have broke the surface and yeah I also have a 300w led when I need more juice
  4. Fast dog

    indoor set up

    Looks nice im just about to kick of with my first auto grow in a small tent
  5. Fast dog

    My first grow

    Starting my first auto grow with herbies heavyweight 2 fast and fast in a small 2ft x2ft by 3ft tent in 3 gallon pots with bio buzz light mix and a 200w cfl I'll be using the bio buzz range at the end of week 2 any tips or suggestions welcome I'll update my progress every week with pics
  6. Fast dog

    indoor set up

    so I would like to invite people to share there set ups here with pictures and descriptions. It would be interesting to know what sort of spaces you guys have to work with, and what you do to make the most of that space.
  7. Fast dog

    plants look underwatered and nitrogen deficient is my ph the problem or is it something else

    They were going yellow before I put them into a fert soil I know about the newt burn I just want to know why there going yellow and why the new growth is yellow
  8. Fast dog

    Bottoms leaves yellowing

    What's happening to this its 2 weeks old it's happened to 3 out of 4 seedlings
  9. Fast dog

    plants look underwatered and nitrogen deficient is my ph the problem or is it something else

    I know it's mute burnt but it's 2 weeks old and hasn't grown compared to one of um which is under same condition
  10. Fast dog

    plants look underwatered and nitrogen deficient is my ph the problem or is it something else

    I know it's mute burnt but it's 2 weeks old and hasn't grown compared to one of um which is under same condition
  11. Fast dog

    plants look underwatered and nitrogen deficient is my ph the problem or is it something else

    Need help fast my seedling are dieing all but 1 is ok 240w led Ph 6.8 Temps steady 25 degrees Light about 18 inch away Was in bio bizz light mix for 10 days now pot up into all mix They have stunted and it's all going bad I water every other day when the soil is dry what's going on need answers...
  12. Fast dog

    MUTANT? un-even growth and slightly twisted leaves

    Indica hybrid it derives from kritical mass x OG Kush I've grown these before small but very bushy not a bad smoke ;)
  13. Fast dog

    New grower, I need advice

    I wouldn't feed till around 2 weeks let the plant grow a little usually when the third set of leaves come through I'll start with half dose and go from there 4 days old is way to early you will probably fry them
  14. Fast dog

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone new to growing just coming up to my first week, plants looking ok will post pics