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  1. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    Around 10 inch deep and 10 inch wide (11litre).
  2. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    Well I'm in week 12 of my auto fast and vast grow, I'm hoping harvest is imminent as of the end of the week tell me what you guys think if you'll think they will be ready in about 5 days I'm hoping to chop at the weekend
  3. Fast dog

    Need to sort this

    Got it thanks for the time to write back appreciate it ;)
  4. Fast dog

    Need to sort this

    Yes the leafs are folding under they feel really soft and are starting to loose colour but they are not crispy or burnt, I'm using bio bizz light mix and bio bizz nutes I have 2x 200w dual spectrum cfl I just want to fix it do you really think it could be over watering if so what should I do...
  5. Fast dog

    Need to sort this

    What is happening here please someone, the leaf tissue feels really fragile not sure what's happening
  6. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    Snake what has been your feeding schedule I use bio bizz but have never had a solid plan always just played it by ear ha and mine grew rapidly after the 4 week mark
  7. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    Yeah I want to leave them as long as I can, and do you rekorn they have a bit more plumping in them ? Also do you think they have another week maybe 2 ?
  8. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    At the start of week 11 there coming along seem to be taking forever, can someone give me an inclination of when they may be ready I know it's not far away but I don't want to cut if i can squeeze some more time out of them.
  9. Fast dog

    Brown Spots and Yellowing of the Leaves

    I need to find out what this is it just appeared
  10. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    Well I'm at the end of week 9 buds seem to be fattening up
  11. Fast dog

    New Member New Grow

    I'm not sure if the genetics are 100% stable as I've got 4 going myself and I'm mid way through week 9 and only look as if they are just starting to kick in
  12. Fast dog

    What are some good auto strains with good yield, smell, taste

    Just wanting to know people's experiences with good viable auto strains seed banks have nothing but amazing things to say about every one but I want to know what real people say about their experiences with them Peace
  13. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    I'll keep you guys posted.
  14. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    A little small I think for this far on let me know your thoughts guys
  15. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    Now in week 8 plants are nearly 3 ft tall starting to fill out, buds are all over but not quiet as big as I'd expected I'm thinking they'll go 10 weeks we will see
  16. Fast dog

    My first grow

    Coming along
  17. Fast dog

    My first grow

    At the start of week 8 buds are coming on but rekorn they've got a couple of weeks yet still
  18. Fast dog

    First auto flower grow

    I use light mix can't really go wrong with it, all mix can be a bit hot I think imo but there you go.
  19. Fast dog

    Nitrogen def? Or nute burn? Something else?

    What's your thoughts guys