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  1. SpawnOfShulgin

    Nute burn or something else?

    Btw i really appreciate the help guys. Lurking and reading here has been a huge wealth of knowledge.
  2. SpawnOfShulgin

    Plants don't drink water in flowering. Don't know what to do

    Also the soil type and kind of pot you use can effect this. I use fabric pots so excess water just runs right out.
  3. SpawnOfShulgin

    Plants don't drink water in flowering. Don't know what to do

    What do you mean it doesn't drink water? As in the pot doesn't dry out alot? You may just be over watering. Also, plants lose moisture through their leaves. I notice if my airflow is not good the pots dry out slower. Its likely (in my non expert opinion) that the airflow makes water evaporate...
  4. SpawnOfShulgin

    Nute burn or something else?

    Yeah my temps are usually mid seventies during the day but fall to the 60s at night. Humidty usually between 35 and 45% Any heaters you guys can reccomend For a 2x4 tent?
  5. SpawnOfShulgin

    Cream Mandarine Autos XXL (Sweet Seeds)

    Holy shit man that's incredible. I can only pray my buds fatten up like that. Over a pound in 90 days is a great turn around. This makes me wonder if i should look more into autos on my next grow. Don't feel too bad about potency, i have read alot of autos are lower on the potency spectrum.
  6. SpawnOfShulgin

    Nute burn or something else?

    Im just really trying to make sure i do everything right. I have had less than desirable quality/quantity product in the past. I am hoping this is my first crop i can be proud of. As a precaution i did just do a sort of halfassed flush on the one with burned tips They are in 5 gallon fabric...
  7. SpawnOfShulgin

    COMMERCIAL GROW.Never seen this before ANY THOUGHT??

    Hey don't talk to him like that, hes licensed to grow in the state of Virginia or something.
  8. SpawnOfShulgin

    Nute burn or something else?

    FFOF with blue planet nutes fed according to label but used 50% less micro in the last feeding to reduce Nitrogen because I figured FFOF has enough N for the rest of flower. Thanks in advance.
  9. SpawnOfShulgin

    How much time for harvest based on these pictures?

    At least a month. Probably 5-6 weeks. You don't really have to worry about watching trichome color or a loupe til about half of the pistils (little white hairs) darken and recede.
  10. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    In this tent there is just 2 5 gallon pots. Also have a tiny clone in a starter pot flowering jusy to fuck around with. If i had a 3rd 5 gallon id probably be struggling for space especially without some sort of scrog net to manage the canopy. In previous runs I fit 5 3 gallon pots in there. I...
  11. SpawnOfShulgin

    Sick plant

    Looks overwatered
  12. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    The plants were trained pretty early actually. I tied them down when they had just a few nodes to encourage them to branch out more. I never topped or fimmed or anything, just bent branches and tied down. Here she is a few weeks old just after i tied her top down the first time. (And an...
  13. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    I started in a miracle grow organic soil that had very little nutes in it (3 gallon pots) then transplanted to a 5 gallon with FFOF. Here's a pic of the larger more stretched plant the day i flipped to 12/12
  14. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    Well now that the stretching seems to have stopped i am feeling waaaay better about the taller plant. Its leggy but budsites are developing down the whole length of them. I might be on track for some nice long fat colas on her. The shorted plant is also coming along well. I am gunna feed them...
  15. SpawnOfShulgin

    first grow

    I mean no disrespect but the box is gonna either fall apart or rot before the plant finishes. Pics of your setup would help. Looks like a N deficiency with those yellowing lower leaves
  16. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    Those look incredible. I notice the stakes you have for supports for colas. I am considering doing something similar. Im worried that each branch is so long they won't be able to support all the bud sites if it packs alot on. I am a bit worried about shoving stakes into the rootzone though...
  17. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    Roughly two weeks or so. The smaller plant for transplanted a day or two before the larger one. I kinda wish i kept a journal so i could see all the dates. I will keep one in the future.
  18. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    Also just wanted to add that the white stuff you see on the first pic of the smaller plants stem is not mildew, its diatomatous earth that i dusted them with a whole back to fight off thrips. It worked, no more signs of them.
  19. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    In the past i have had N tox on most of my grows. Today i cut some of the Micro (which has the higest amount of N in the Blue Planet 3 part nutes) just as a precaution. They are in FFOF soil which has a decent amount of nutes so I am jusy worried about overfeeding. Plus hoping it maybe will slow...