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  1. SpawnOfShulgin


    Some strains just do it on their own.
  2. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    I am just over 2 weeks into flower now. Any specific bud boosters you guys can reccomend? I can definitely confirm they are eating more. They vegged in 3 gallon pots and i transplanted a week or so before flipping. The past few days i have had to water daily. I have used full strength nutes and...
  3. SpawnOfShulgin

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    If my grow comes put even half this pretty i will be happy. That looks incredible.
  4. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    Any tips on how to get them to fatten up as much as possible? This is a new light and a new nute line but i have been less than impressed with quality from my last few harvests. I have grown a few autos, gorilla glue, and a few other photo strains. These ones are OG Kush bagseed.
  5. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    5 gallon fabric pots with FFOF soil. Fed blue planet 3 part nutes as according to label with every watering. Plus 5ml per gallon GH CALiMAGic cal-mag. Vegged for about 45 days or so and flipped to flower light cycle on 1/20 I think they look okay so far, but i want to get the most out of...
  6. SpawnOfShulgin

    New Growth Twisted.

    Idk what ph is ideal for hydro but when i see twisting like that on a soil plant its usually because the PH is off a bit.
  7. SpawnOfShulgin

    Stretching like crazy. Is this gunna just be Larf?

    I appreciate the feedback. Here is a pic of the both of them and better shots of my other lady. Seeds came from the same bud. Germinated same day and feed all the same stuff. Shes shorter and stockier.
  8. SpawnOfShulgin

    Stretching like crazy. Is this gunna just be Larf?

    I bent it a few times to encourage branching and then kinda just let it go. Its gained about 6 inches in height since i flipped. Currently highest point is about 20" high. Its not really a full canopy but when i flipped to most of the main tops were equal height.
  9. SpawnOfShulgin

    Stretching like crazy. Is this gunna just be Larf?

    Cool. At least there is hope.
  10. SpawnOfShulgin

    Stretching like crazy. Is this gunna just be Larf?

    I am running 2 bag seed OG Kush seeds under a 2000w EnjoyYeild LED using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and Blue Planet Nutrients in 5 gal fabric pots. Vegged for about 45 days. Flipped on Jan 21st One is looking fine, this one is stretching real bad though. Moreso than i expected even at this...
  11. SpawnOfShulgin

    How to kill thrips in flower (neem oil has failed me)

    Title kinda says it all. Thanks in advance. Been using neem oil for a month. I am 2-3 weeks into flower.
  12. SpawnOfShulgin

    Should i go another week or so?

    At least a week. Probably even a bit longer.
  13. SpawnOfShulgin

    First Auto Grow: Seedling started to flower (Pics)

    First shot is bud, second shot is sugar leaf. Trichomes are developing more and more. Smells great.
  14. SpawnOfShulgin

    First Auto Grow: Seedling started to flower (Pics)

    Day 35. Still no sign of sex on the one plant
  15. SpawnOfShulgin


    Check trichs with a scope. Looks like its in the window
  16. SpawnOfShulgin

    id like advice on my first outdoor grow?

    Part of your problem is the late start. They look healthy though. Not every plant will produce a ton. Some of those may fatten up a bit more still too.
  17. SpawnOfShulgin

    First Auto Grow: Seedling started to flower (Pics)

    Macros as promised. Trichs starting to turn.