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  1. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    Yeah but why waste your time.
  2. Balzac89

    Just got burned for a brick of h.... BY A CHICK

    Drugs are bad the people who deal them are worse
  3. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    I'm in a fine mood. Just hiked 10 miles in 3 hrs 44 minutes. Sitting here recovering listening to music. My knee hurts tho
  4. Balzac89

    Think you're gay?

    What exactly makes someone super gay? Is it being really flamboyant?
  5. Balzac89

    Just got burned for a brick of h.... BY A CHICK

    It's a scary thing. It will get bad when you can't support the habit anymore
  6. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    Did you know that I'm a mod
  7. Balzac89

    Just got burned for a brick of h.... BY A CHICK

    You should get some help. Especially if you're using that quantity.
  8. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    Doesn't a retainer have to be exchanged for it to be confidential
  9. Balzac89

    Just got burned for a brick of h.... BY A CHICK

    Let me get this straight you're moving H
  10. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    I like your passive aggressiveness it will pay off someday
  11. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    Well I have these things called friends. We go to places and we do things. I meet people along the way.
  12. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    My parents never did get divorced. They should have. I just wanted to add, I don't need to be your friend.
  13. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    Or removing fetuses from pregnant women
  14. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    I'm pretty sure CL is only good for murder suicides.
  15. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    The moral of the story don't get married. Also don't have children. Just avoid the whole domestic partnership thing unless our assets remain separate.
  16. Balzac89

    Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

    9 out of 10 accounts on the site were held by males so its unlikely even if he had an account that he managed to meet anything but dick on there.
  17. Balzac89

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    A friend at work gave me a scoop preworkout in my water bottle and it made my face tingle.
  18. Balzac89

    Mechanization and the Future

    Depending on where you live that's when the alligators move in.
  19. Balzac89

    anybody want to move to NM?

    This does not concern you.
  20. Balzac89

    Mechanization and the Future

    I have a friend who was employed in a union factory on an automated lathe. All he did was load the blanks, he didn't know shit about dick.