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  1. rshackleferd

    Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help

    Hey Morriston, did you make or buy your cs? The cs i bought did a better job than the cs i made
  2. rshackleferd

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    Stealth is a joke, I never had my beans confiscated when I unchecked that expensive option. My order always arrives in a small inconspicuous envelope inside breeders packs. Stealth option is nothing but a huge red flag, most of the time its some cd or shirt which im sure sets off bells and...
  3. rshackleferd

    How Much Would YOU pay A Zip?

    Goes for $60-$80, Texas
  4. rshackleferd

    Autoflowers indoor - It really is that simple

    Ive been growing and breeding for over a decade as well. I sort of disagree with a few things but to each his own and ill explain. If you use a small pot I found out you have to water a little more frequently during summer months, winter time i don't see much of a problem. A bigger pot also lets...
  5. rshackleferd

    Why is there no colloidal silver sticky?

    This has always worked for me, use it straight out of the not dilute.
  6. rshackleferd

    Clear substance on leaves.

    Ive seen this before and it has destroyed some of my babies, have no clue but if i were to guess it would be some type of fungus. I would remove that leaf asap without trying to spread it.
  7. rshackleferd

    Bubba's gift

    How would you rate the potency? You rated everything else 1-10 but the high or as you said it "buzz" What type of high was it? euphoric or just plain jane?
  8. rshackleferd

    Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help

    We both flipped the same strain and his flipped a lot better than mine with the silver mountain 50ppm bio-silver. He didnt dilute it or anything, used it straight out of the bottle. Its only enough for one flip, he ran out at the end of the flip while i had a full gallon of the homemade stuff...
  9. rshackleferd

    Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help

    Yep, that's the stuff that actually works, DO NOT use the 240ppm version and dilute it.
  10. rshackleferd

    Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help

    Is it called bio-silver? I diluted it to 50ppm....didnt work. However my friend used the 50 ppm bio-silver from amazon with success.
  11. rshackleferd

    Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help

    Store bought stuff is a joke, first lesson i learned when i first started breeding feminized seeds. Wasted so much money and time on that junk. You are right about the 30ppm being low, i was in panic mode when it wouldn't raise past 30ppm and a lot of members said thats the minimum to flip but...
  12. rshackleferd

    Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help

    When you pollinate do not use q-tips, A lot of people recommend this way but i found out the pistils always get caught up in the cotton and end up yanking out during pollination. When the male pollen sack is open and ready use tweezers and pull off the whole pollen sack and rub the pollen balls...
  13. rshackleferd

    Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help

    Thats what i always do when i breed seeds, I just spray one branch. That way you can make s-1 seeds along with your f-2 seeds. Just be careful not to spray for too long, two weeks is good enough. It sort of stresses out the leaves but i never had one die on me and they always end up flipping to...
  14. rshackleferd

    Creating seeds with my coloidal silver and currently growing plants, need help

    Every time i made colloidal silver the ppm never went past 28 ppm. I tried all kinds of techniques to raise it such as boiling the water, higher wattage, constantly clean the silver, and etc. and still same ppm. However it always worked when i sprayed the plants.
  15. rshackleferd

    Best Seedbank to order from in US?

    When you use colloidal silver to flip a female you don't pass on hermie traits, the only time you pass on hermie traits is when you use the rodelization stress method. I guess it depends on the method used but most breeders do not use the rodelization method since it is so inefficient.
  16. rshackleferd

    Best Seedbank to order from in US?

    Where is all the feminized seeds at US seed banks? Its not hard to make them, hell i made thousands of them off of two plants. Its not a complicated process, just spray a female plant with cs collect pollen and pollinate.
  17. rshackleferd

    Think different, is it as good as they say.

    Wish i lived out in the sticks, must be nice not having to worry about bulbs, temps, energy bills, and bullshit.
  18. rshackleferd

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Order made it in!!!! Very happy
  19. rshackleferd

    What Justifies a High price point for these Genetic Seed banks in the States

    Most US seed bank sites are asking way too much and they do not have enough info such as if the seeds are feminized or regular, what is so hard about listing that info? Other left out Info such as sativa, indica, photoperiod, auto, short, medium, are non existent. In most instances all you get...
  20. rshackleferd

    What Justifies a High price point for these Genetic Seed banks in the States

    I have made plenty of seeds that meet and sometimes exceeded the original strain, especially when you get a hold of an unstable strain with many phenotypes. All the stable strains i have made seeds with always ended up the same or better than the parents...